What are your hobbies?
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Nightingales: photography

Who is your favorite actor?
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Nightingales: Like them according to the roles they're playing... don't pay very much attention to the starlet they would be sometimes....

What is your favorite movie?
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Nightingales: Big Fish.

What is your favorite cartoon?
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Nightingales: One Piece.

Who is your favorite singer/band?
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Nightingales: CNBLUE.

What is your favorite song?
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Nightingales: There's a lot.

What is your favorite television show/soap/sitcom?
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Nightingales: The crime series.

The most beautiful man in the world according to you?
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Nightingales: Someone with true abilities and passion and a unique way to live according to them.

Do you have any pets?
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Nightingales: A little brother.

Do you watch sports and which ones?
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Nightingales: Instead of watching I would prefer to do it. But I lack the time and the passion... :P

What is your favorite holiday destination?
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Nightingales: Japan.

What is your favorite food?
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Nightingales: Cake.

What is your favorite colour?
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Nightingales: Green.

Love or Lust?
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Nightingales: Lust for love? ^^

Vanilla or chocolate?
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Nightingales: Choc.

Morning or evening person?
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Nightingales: Evening.

Summer or winter?
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Nightingales: Something in-between.

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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Nightingales: Monet.

Black or white?
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Nightingales: Both.

Coffee or tea?
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Nightingales: Decide on the time of day.

What do you love most on PXLEyes?
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Nightingales: The fact that there are so many contests at the same time and that others will rate my work while they don't know who it's belong to. I always wanted to gain opinions on the things I do by an audience wich can judge without restrictions.

What do you hate most on PXLEyes?
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Nightingales: There's nothing I could think of by now. That's great!

Did you make any new friends on PXLEyes?
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Nightingales: Not yet.
You're welcome to talk to me at any time. I won't bite and I'm most of all times vell educated ; )

What graphical programs do you use?
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Nightingales: PS. But I'm still learning.

What kind of contest entries get the highest scores from you?
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Nightingales: The ones with creativity, love and passion which is so subtle branded into the picture that you would like to take closer look to every single corner of it.

When did you start with computer graphics?
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Nightingales: Not very long ago.
I stated with photography but disliked the thoughts of using any progams at first.