1 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Steve1972
Steve1972 says:

I like the transformation and the realism of the wing. you could make add to the other feathers the same effect also, like the ones from the edges.

(5 years and 3121 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar dreamdriven


(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar gopankarichal

nice work

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar jscyphers
jscyphers says:

good start!

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very nice effect NOW BUILD THE OWNER OF THE WING..hehehe.. good luck.. and fine work LOL

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:

nice! gl

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Paper Wings
avatar devangel
devangel says:

very nice idea author. good job. well done

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Paper Wings