14 comments given:
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

is this a photo? it looks like the ladybird has been pasted on.. could just be the focusing

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

Taking flight
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

lol.. was not expecting that.. great

(5 years and 2875 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

unless it's what you were looking for, going on from keiley's advice i'd say remove or alter one of the cliffs in the background too nice though

(5 years and 2878 days ago)

Stairway to Heaven
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

that's dedication :P

(5 years and 2878 days ago)

Just one more lap...
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

i really like the colouring you did to the chef here.. my two creative criticisms for this piece is firstly after putting so much work into the colouration and smoothing of the skin, the eyes remain skin coloured. and also he doesn't feel like he fits into the background, size-wise

but other than those two things i love it

(5 years and 2881 days ago)

The Magic Chef
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

lol he looks like zordon from power rangers

(5 years and 2883 days ago)

Clearly, that
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:


(5 years and 2884 days ago)

A Different Day
avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

i love the dramatic colours

(5 years and 2884 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

i like the work you did on the face.. gave him character

(5 years and 2884 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

I love the "non living replica" part lol

(5 years and 2885 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

I love the "non living replica" part lol

(5 years and 2885 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

Funny and he's well editted into the pic

(5 years and 2885 days ago)

avatar NotMarki
NotMarki says:

Great work, especially like your use of eyes.. the one thing that through me a bit was those bottles in the background.. they don't seem to fit with the effect you put on everything else

(5 years and 2885 days ago)

Day at the Chop Shop