The fish ladder

I used the Vignette blur in color fx pro
Operators terminal on a Robbins TBM
For: technology contest
Tunnel boring machine after a 5k drive.
For: technology contest
atop of Seymour mt.
For: snow 3 contest
New Growth on some native Devils club.
Found this series of small falls in Garibaldi park.
Pembeton BC home of the Seed Potatos of Canada.
Bee moving from flower to flower on a black berry bush.
I've found the trick to get these shots is to get the falls at a very low light level.
Being a very sunny weekend I had bring it down with a neutral density and polarizing filter. I still was unable to achieve what I was going for and ended up going HDR.
For: ko photo tournament contest
Art installation in Vancouver
For: shiny things contest
Shot in Squamish BC during the Eagle run.
For: birds 2 contest
This is one of my most favorite shots of mine. Shot from a bridge over looking the Mamquam river. During the last salmon run.
This is what happens when you jump on the scanner.
Took this while camping in a park near Mt.Baker in Washington. f/3.5, ISO 1600, with a 10mm wide angle, 20min exposure.
For: grey shades contest
Located in a small native town just past Pemberton.
For: grey shades contest
Squamish BC
For: grey shades contest