55 comments given:
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Looking at the blur on the ears, I would think that the top of the 'egghead' and the collar area behind the ears should be blurred as well. The glasses appear very 'choppy' , the edges need to be smoother. From the highlights on the egg, I would suggest placing highlights on the glasses to the right side. Also, the glasses don't appear to have a shadow. Would they not be casting a shadow on the right side of the nose bridge? IMO if these problems are corrected this would be a much improved image.

Edit: Looks much better now.

(5 years and 3895 days ago)

Tough Guy
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Looks very similar to this: http://www.stockxpert.com/browse_image/view/42608631

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Save energy...Save the Earth
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

In my opinion, the outline around the avocados detracts from the impression of reality you are hoping to portray.

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Green Glass
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

This looks incredibly like this tutorial: http://psd.tutsplus.com/drawing/create-a-citrus-fruit-design-from-scratch-in-photoshop/ so I don't think you have used the source image.

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

Just simple editing
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Could you post a copy of the permission email from lilgoldwmn (blanking out anything that identifies you). Thanks.

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Always liked this image.

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Author, you need source links for the images. Also, you have multiple light sources, the stump is lit from the left, the buddha from the right and the background from above. Flip the buddha so he matches the stump, and then work with burn and dodge on the rest of the image.

Edit: Looks much better now.

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Source 1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/tamasrepus/3558655812/ by Samat Jain and source 2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/tejedoro_de_luz/2697909818/ by Glen's Pics. Author, you need to include this information with your submissions.

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

Crying Girl
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I think you need to work on the shadows and highlights as you have multiple light sources. Also, some of the fruits have a halo around them (blackberry, cherry, green apple (upper right)), perhaps use an inner shadow with a colour picked from each piece so it matches?. If you correct these issues I feel the image will be stronger for it.

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

Fruity Beauty
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I think if you redo the shadows as already mentioned and adjust the perspective of the keyboard this will be a very strong entry.

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

Piano Notes
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Looks just as good the second time around.

(5 years and 3913 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I can identify with this.

(5 years and 3913 days ago)

A good nights sleep
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I remember this one and who did it. It looks just as good the second time around.

(5 years and 3914 days ago)

USS Lil Sailor Dude!
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Nice image but how does the gas bottle ignite?

(5 years and 3914 days ago)

Coffee maker
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Hmm...you have two different light sources. The light for the buildings is coming from the right, the light on the elephant is coming from the left. Flip the elephant and shadow so they match.

(5 years and 3914 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

A little tidying up is needed. There are masking leftovers under the left foot, around the top of the left leg and to the right of the bun. Clean those up and you will have yourself a nice entry.

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

Kawa-Burger Dude
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Author, the line on the goose's back needs to be moved to correct the perspective. Other than that, I think this goose is in BIG trouble - his goose is cooked.

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

Oh Crap
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

The reflection of the drips on the cherry piece is different to what is actually on it. I think it would be better if you applied the drip thing to each piece individually as well, thewn you won't have them floating in mid air in between the pieces. You will also be able to apply some perspective to them as well, making them smaller as they go further back into the distance. Hope this helps.

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Not sure if you can use the render. It has nothing to do with copyright, it has to do with using other peoples artwork.

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

Deadly Force
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Where the lamp has been peeled back, would you not see the world behind it?

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

World Lamp
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

OK, I cannot see it......where did you hide the blueness? If you make it more blue to fit in with the theme, then this will be a good image.

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

The drop shadow needs to be softened more to stop the 'floating' effect of the splash. And perhaps not so strong with the plastic wrap as this is masking the good work you did underneath.

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

retro car_4a37e16813aa3
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I don't think there would be so much lighting along the underside of the arm and hand judging by the shadow on the ground. Just an opinion.

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

the snail
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Just wondering about the sources used?

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

turtle shell island
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Here's the things that I noticed - there are some masking artifacts along the top of the image, particularly noticable in the left and right corners. The ridge of the mountains need to be adjusted, there is a strange effect along the whole length. At the bottom you need to bring your snow just a little further. If you correct these small errors, then you will have yourself quite a good picture.

(5 years and 3916 days ago)

almost winter
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

The eye picture cannot be used outside of DA unless you have written permission. If you have this, you need to show it in an SBS with anything that identifies you blacked out.

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

Looking up.
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

A stunning image, but you missed the largest butterfly - it has reds and pinks in it still along the leading edge of the wing.

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

The Blue Odyssey...
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

In my opinion, you need to mask better around the legs of the spider.

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

Spider in berry
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Oooo...best find another picture for the background. The vineyard background is for use on DA only.

(5 years and 3919 days ago)

Waiting for a Magic Sign...
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Well, this is a really good entry, but I would expect nothing less from you author.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Do skulls get itchy? This is an outstanding entry.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

This looks like a top three entry to me.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Pirate Still Life
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

To me, this is an outstanding entry. Good luck.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Web 2.0 - Logo PXLEyes v4.1
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

This is an outstanding entry. Of the entries you have done, I believe this is the best.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Web 2.0 - Logo PXLEyes v3.1
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Damn, you're good at this logo design thing.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

Web 2.0 - Logo PXLEyes v1.1
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I think that, of the logos you have submitted, this is the best one by a long way.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

PXL Logo 3
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

When this logo is reduced to the required size for the site it is very difficult to read. It would be better if the base of the letters were not so dark.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

PXL Eyes Logo
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

This has a really good colour selection and of the entries you have made, I think I like this the best.

(5 years and 3921 days ago)

PXLEyes v2
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

If you apply a displacement map to the reflection it will look more realistic. A tutorial on displacement maps can be found here: http://www.photoshopsupport.com/elements/tutorials/displace-filter/displacement-map.html

(5 years and 3924 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

The eyeballs look very flat. http://www.rnel.net/tutorial/Photoshop/2399 is a tutorial that may be of help to you.

(5 years and 3925 days ago)

avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

I think this would be improved if you added some facial features, just my opinion. GL.

(5 years and 3925 days ago)

acorn man
avatar Paulus62
Paulus62 says:

Definately need to create some shadows underneath to get away from the 'stuck on' look you have at the moment.

(5 years and 3925 days ago)

Acorn Creature