9 comments given:
avatar Plastic
Plastic says:

Sorry but I think it looks bad. The blending between the different photos look to blurry especial between the woman/column and the background. The difference between the ground and the background colour looks strange too and the colours don't seem to affect the woman which they should be doing.

(5 years and 3505 days ago)

alone lady
avatar Plastic
Plastic says:

Congratulations but I think it looks very bad. But it is indeed very hard to make something out of these rendered 3d buildings and I can't see why they keep being suggested as a contest.

(5 years and 3506 days ago)

Family Binding
avatar Plastic
Plastic says:

Widiar I think you mean material and not texture. However this is a matter of taste so no offence.

Author if you want to improve the blood always try to look at a reference. If can't get the blood to look good enough with one material you can always render out multiple passes with different blood materials. This is one single image so you can do so much to it as you want without having to think about movements etc.
Besides the standard blood material pass I often render out things like a chrome pass, plastic pass, glass pass, matte surface (no specular) pass.
Chrome for example may not look like blood but when compositing it on top with a very low opacity and another blending mode it may just look right.
It's about experimenting

(5 years and 3506 days ago)

Stop Killing Child
avatar Plastic
Plastic says:

Hmm shouldn't it be "Stop killing children" but this won't affect my vote of course.

Widiar I agree with you about the lack of shadows and the fractures but I think the blood is nice. Blood exist in all kinds of tones depending on where it is in your body and we can't really tell how it would look when coming from an egg.

(5 years and 3506 days ago)

Stop Killing Child