Yester Year

For: heading out contest
For: heading out contest
source only. SBS will be up tomorrow Thanks to Arca for tips.
For: hot rod contest
doesn't bite..vegitarian
For: new species contest
--- The Goddess of the Goldenspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Pixelian Vale, joined the Guardian Forces for monetary purposes. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility o...
For: golden gate contest
For: golden gate contest
Used only the source and photoshop
For: hoegaarden contest
I knew I wanted to do this contest but it took me a long time to deiced what. I was almost going to but armor on a regular horse, but that just seemed to typical, then I realized I was just thinking of the wrong type of horse :)
For: armour all contest
The loner corner The loser corner The emo corner ... :: Using: Cinema 4D R12 + Photoshop CS5 + Wacom Cintiq
No outside source.
For: hot rod contest
The Spanish Armada Part of a Speech by Queen Elizabeth I of England Addressed to the English army at Tilbury Fort - 1588
For: heading out contest
Random image that came to my imagination during my solitude...
For: the light contest
Plot: Avatar, a new story begins. A new species was born in Pandora as the hybrid of Navi and human. They're brave, strong and loyal as the Navi and smart, emotional like human. But this is also the last winter of Pandora because of a secret weapon was buried in Pandora from the last battle with men...
Long John Silver is a very complex and self-contradictory character. He is cunning and mendacious, hiding his true intentions from Squire Trelawney while posing as the ship’s genial cook. He is very disloyal, shifting sides so frequently that we cannot be sure of his true affiliations. He is ...
Source image and photoshop
For: spider lily contest
For: smile please contest
Acrylic on canvas, Messin with perspective under an Iron Maiden influence. Hope ya like it!
For: hearts td contest
acrylic on canvas
For: hearts td contest