RealSponge TweedPants

In a post-skynet future, the machines build a sophisticated bot that attracts then kills human males. This bot, having physically disabled her latest assignment, prepares to administer a lethal injection. Unfortunately as she prepares the dose, she is alerted that her power reserves are low so ...
Bred to fit in to smaller horse trailers to save owners on gas money :)
After his long flight, the polar bear needed a place to rest and stretch his wings. Edit: Changed so he is now flying, cast the shadow further away and blurred the backgroung to give the illusion of a narrow DOF.
A little cliched, but thought someone had to do this. This is for sale by a friend of my cousin. He's totally reliable and his mum only ever drove it to church on Sundays. :)
For: edimobiles contest
The tongue twister is 'We surely shall see the sun shine again'. I have gone for a bit of a different style to most of the others here, and not taken such a literal interpretation of the words. I have tried to show that despite the somewhat blue sky, the death of a loved one can plunge our world...
For the man who is tired of having to always walk all the way to the bar to get the next round... buy the special lady in your life the latest in practical fashion! These stylish heels come with a built in beer tap, and a discrete position to attach the hose. For a real beer on the go, buy ...
For: crazy heels contest
Maybe next time she should have chosen a more weather appropriate 'hair' style :) Please view high res, even the coloured sprinkles were made by hand. Comments appreciated. Thanks.
inanis, I hope this one is ok. This image is not a reflection on you of course but I just started messing around with your pic and it led to this :).
For: pxl members contest
'You may have taken out my brother, but I aint goin' out like that!' cried the lemon as he put on his most sour face and prepared to pounce at the approaching human. Hope you enjoy, please leave thoughts/comments below. Thanks. Run out of time tonight - I'll upload the SBS soon.
For: fruit punch contest
I hope this is on theme, I took a b&w pic and added a source of light (the sphere) as well as the glow and lighting on the man. Thanks to phil h for the great cource pic!
From a feint outline on jelly, to a real boy and girl... well almost
For: jelly contest
For: glazed meat contest
What if a night light actually produced night? Any commects/ctitique gratefully received
For: visual pun contest
Instead of eyes to distract predators, this butterfly went one step further and put targets on! Please comment
For: four targets contest
I thought the cause of death was quite clear, but the medical examiner wanted to be sure before he was sent across the street ;) All made from source material other than links listed
For: fish head contest
First I cropped the image, then cut out all the windows - that took longer than expected! I added spotlight effects to building, modified lightsource for whole image. Then added lights for street lantern, flash bulb and cazino sign, added moon & stars, darkened the sky a little more and added ...