Ouuuuuu !

For: fireworks contest
Carnival fun
For: suspension contest
This position isn't a friendly gesture, but he's almost smiling
For: snakes contest
Lot of colors in this sport especially red.
This shot just had to be straight on with that great expression.
For: hobbies 2 contest
Is it really worth getting rabies.
For: rodents contest
Just in case you're wondering... Labradoodle.
For: dogs contest
This 75 year old self-portrait painting by my Mom who passed 12 years ago. The spring's morning sunlight frames her memory as it approaches the anniversary of her passing on april 15th. (She hated tax day)
For: memorabilia contest
Ran to Radio Shack and Publics before I completely read the contest description. Doesn't run toy unless you count red LED.
For: batteries contest
Check back when she's 16 or so. Might not qualify for this category.
For: innocent contest
Just think if we didn't have an eraser and couldn't change our first choice. How would we correct our daily crossword puzzle, redo our algebra equation, make changes to our multiple choice test or finalize our numbers on the mega lottery card.
For: non electric contest
A small jazz group performing at an art festival was led by this wonderful horn player who walked among the exhibits while playing. He stopped only when emphasizing a note or run. great !
For: instrument play 2 contest
....they end up polishing shoes or staining something.
For: socks contest