Wrist power

Kiss me.
For: ranidaphobia contest
A golfer times his shot around the sprinkling sequence.
For: water 2 contest
What appears as the middle layer is the actual liquid form which is mirrored on the bottom.
For: solid liquid contest
Two drop of paint become one
New eye charts change line letters.
Wonderful relationship between horse and trainer.
For: l is for contest
Taken during springtime when this vine is pinkish red and almost translucent against the daylight sun. Sadly today it looks like a picked grape vine.
For: vines contest
Entrance to a coffee shop. I don't know what it is but vines everywhere and a few bees.
For: vines contest
"A good cigar is a great smoke" quote by Winston Churchill.
For: smoking contest
Give me an hour long cold shower and some hair of the dog and I'm good to go.
For: hangover contest
As his parents stand guard, this sandhill crane chick takes a brief nap.
For: snooze 2 contest
Here's another take that's less blown out. Better ?
For: white contest
Eyes like a hawk. Oh..he is a hawk.
For: flight 2 contest
For: parent child contest
This baby crane probably was hit by a golf ball which led to his broken leg and his inability to Forage. Sometimes apendages will fall of and heal over and the animal adapts. Unfortunately we captured this guy and took to animal services that said infection had spred. Nature competiting with civiliz...
For: broken 2 contest
Beautiful annual with many colors and leaf variations.
For: single leaf contest
Fun and loud dog relay race competition. When the dog hits the box it pops the tennis ball out which he grabs and runs back to the start line. Barking of 100 dogs for hours. Fun for awhile.
For: motion blur contest