High places

I wish these were still produced. Great auto.
For: vintage contest
Written by Anna Sewell
For: book title contest
Author Daniel DeFoe
For: book title contest
Someone can execute this better than me.
Brush up next to this plant and half a dozen hiding butterflies will scadder.
For: hidden life contest
This person was acting as a living statue of a drummer probably during the Scottish wars in the 13th century. Every once in a while she would rip off a drum set and scare the heck out the spectators walking by.
Tough to find at night.
Can you locate the ball
For: hdr only 2 contest
For: humpty dumpy contest
For: humpty dumpy contest
moving the laser around to find the bulb, following it's path and then catching a small star burst looked more intesting than just the bulb shot alone.
Polished plated steel needs a little abrasive steel wool to keep it ship shape.
For: contrasting textures contest
Find a remote location, deface it (possible misdemeanor) and then sign it. Possible gang stamp.
For: contrasting textures contest
Sometimes waves break too soon and requires a cut back or complete kick out.
For: waves contest