With a cherry on top

For: selective coloring 2 contest
Beautiful artwork on 1974 airmail stamp from Rome to USA. Cost was 115 lire then and today would be ...?
For those I love you moments, Cherry tomatos.
For: hearts contest
First come first serve seating for the evening sunset show.
For: park bench contest
Seven weeks old and showing her independance to authority.
For: dogs 2 contest
For: shot glasses contest
If dogs look like their owners, this little guy would by the pet of Marty Feldman. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001204/
For: dogs 2 contest
Around 1950 when charm bracelets were popular, special occasions were marked by unique charms...This celebrated a 20 year wedding anniversery. It used to lite up.
For: hearts contest
For: shot glasses contest
Positioned just under an outside house spot, What a magnificant example of nature's engineering capability.
A large citrus grower sold his vast properties and devoted his wealth towards children and their education as the hope of our future. He kept some for himself too.
For: statues contest
Larger than life.
For: statues contest
You see this in spy movies when the evil femme fatale spikes the hero's drink. It all begins with grinding the pill to powder.
For: pills 2 contest
Within the medication information is one line of ingredients and 30 lines of precautions.
For: pills 2 contest
Old brass barrel key for securing something special like an office desk or hope chest.
For: keys 2 contest