Morning tea decoration

For: pastels contest
For: pastels contest
Reminded how many clock towers have non functioning clocks. This had 4 clocks and all were working and synchronized.
For: ten past ten contest
These girls are tough and certainly not afraid to mix it up.
He showed off, splashing around.
Those kids who did the amazing tricks on their bikes have taken their skills to the public courts and the rough and tumble sport of Bike Polo.
Plucked by it's owner for perhaps it's minor damage.
For: feathers contest
This was nature's way of saying the rains are finished and resume play.
For: rainbows 2 contest
So many different aerodynamics aspects of wings have been studied for centuries. This illustrates the different facets.
For: feathers contest
Placing hats on dogs requires a quick shot. This only lasted but seconds.
For: hats contest
Experts feel the best Pizza Peel is wooden because it doesn't conduct heat. I really don't care as long as it has extra cheese and pepperoni.
For: wood is good contest
First Louisville Slugger baseball bat was made in 1884 and are still made today of both Ash and Maple. Babe Ruth used a 34 inch Louisville Slugger. This is a number 6 or 9 whatever that means.
For: wood is good contest
Handmade wooden box with unique cutouts required to open it. A shot of the box when closed is in sbs.
For: wood is good contest
"We will make no wine till it's time." Lowered the clarity to give it an older feeling
For: fruit still life 2 contest
A garden is not a garden without a few bees.
Soft breeze disturbs the calm lake waters.
For: abstraction contest