
Tribute to "Janet Jackson" performer on stage
For: backlit portraits 2 contest
This goose saw me 30 years away from his hens and began his attack. He vocalized the whole way over which got louder and then his head dropped. Not a bluff as he attacked my shoes and pants. I've seen worse but he would have really panicked children.
Store knocks the power out and you can't find any batteries. Take out a candle and have a romantic moment.
For: candles contest
Locked up at night, these towers have electricity, fans and radio equipment in addition to rescue and first aid supplies.
For: outbuildings contest
Getting close to common non-venomous rat snake.....I think.
When taking a hanging plant off it's hook (see SBS), carpenter ants began climbing down the hook frantically looking for the plant that held it's nest.
Pretty clumsy at taking off and landing, but flight is beautiful.
For: bird flight contest
Problem with macro is how close you can get without disturbing the subject. In this case it was just stupid getting this close.
The sunset illuminates the porch pottery.
For: pottery 2 contest
A small Florida restaurant and lodge has it own private landing strip for guests. This quest came in a beautiful stunt plane (I think). It just looks fast and agile.
For: airplanes 2 contest
For locations where there are lots of birds, bird chirping and sounds, hang this motion sensor that activates when birds are nearby and transmits their singing to your stereo receiver and speakers. You'd be surprised what the singing sounds like when amplified. Then you get over it, package it up an...
For: strange merchandise contest
With the purchase of their first Cinderella dress, can Little Miss pageants be far behind.
For: dresses contest
Sightseeing company takes off with vacationers.
For: airplanes 2 contest