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I never had no one I could count on I've been let down so many times I was tired and hurtin' so tired of searching Til you walked into my life It was a feeling I'd never known And for the first time I didn't feel alone Artist; Tim McGraw
My total love was for one person, but now he's gone. All I feel now is emptiness. What's next. Is that breeze you?
For: paulo coelho quote contest
Limousine of cowboy boots. Etched into the sole.
Finding a flower for the contest but not knowing it's name. Looks like a receiver for listening for alien sounds.
When you're lying confortably in the grass with your loved one enjoying a bottle of wine don't forget those blades of grass are haven for other things as well. Enjoy your picnic.
For: grass 2 contest
This guy has equipped his vessel for some real off shore sailing.
For: sails up contest
Only on Sunday can I eat a full high calorie breakfast and not worry about falling asleep afterwords. A day of rest is good.
For: sunday contest
Getting this avacado from here to the garden and to actually producing fruit is a long process.
For: photo tournament 2 round 1 contest
This book is inscribed with my name, date of May, 4 1960 and my classroom, 6C. Forced to read the classics as a child, I have since purchased many of them in leather back and have finally read them all. Treasure Island is still my favorite.
Curiosity gets the best of this soccer player who looks to see what the bronze statue girl is pointing to.
For: work of art contest
Naturally black and white butterfly on a garden flower.
For: photo tournament 2 round 1 contest
Certainly not one of the wonderful ruins still standing around the world, but in terms of our young town, this country club was built in the 30's and closed around 1965. Why they haven't knocked down this last remaining entrance is anyone's guess.
For: ruins contest
It almost looked like Snoopy dancing from the Peanuts cartoon strip, but the darn cloud was moving too fast. Still could be a dog sitting on it's hind quarters.
A hurricane named Charlie caused plenty of flooding around Florida together with a little wind.
For: flooded contest
28.41822, -81.58116 GPS location. Walt Disney modeled his first Cinderella castle after Neuschwanstein, Germany's best know castle.
For: gps tagged contest
Although the fence is a strong barrier, this neighborhood cat stalks the pup and actually strolls into the yard as well.
Getting the the bubble "on center" determines the door closing right and the picture hanging correct.
For: centered contest
Located on the floor in a damp woods, the fungus up close is artistically beautiful