July 4th

Firework closeup
For: centered contest
Firework closeup
For: centered contest
Even with the all the excitement at the Disney's Epcot, the Geodesic Dome is clearly the centered point of interest.
For: centered contest
This handheld trac ball is probably 15 yrs old and was great for games and web surfing when no available flat surface for your mouse. Perfect for laptop while on a plane.
Spending moments alone or just passing the time, in the old days we played solitaire the hard way....playing cards.
For: card games 2 contest
After a short nap balanced on one leg, she takes a "yoga like" stretch before flying off.
During a tennis boot camp for children, this youngster won the tough guy award for overall effort. He's around 12.
For: trophies contest
Actually this equestrian field had 6 contestants and they all won first place.Early encouragement and reward training.
For: trophies contest
It only takes gentle breeze to spread these seeds.
It looks like this young tennis winner has received a trophy purchased in bulk. Just pop in a disc and it's a tennis trophy. Very non-descriptive. He doesn't care....he won !
For: trophies contest
These are located on the underside of garden ferns and are extremely small. The inch worm wasn't initally seen while shooting. Looking closer I found almost 25 percent had some type on insect on them. Time to spray.
Someone touched her or she heard a sound. It doesn't matter....just be patient eveyone.
For: distracted 2 contest
In the early stages of your child's sport experiences, Nothing helps to build their character, discipline and fortitude than losing.
For: lost 2 contest
If you're going to ride, ride in comfort. This Harley looks pretty road comfortable.
For: motorbikes contest
No matter what the arguement was about, this child lost. The real question is how long will she pout before giving in the parent decision.
For: lost 2 contest
This 3000 year old body of chinese science and knowledge tells us that you will have luck (and wealth) if you hang a chrystal pendant in a Northeast corner window of your house. I'm still waiting.
I'm not sure I understand, but in Italy the evil eye is a good luck charm. Go figure?
Hot and cold at the tip of your fingers.
For: hot and cold contest
A bright cardinal takes a moment in a sago palm
Keep it to the left or deal with the water and two strokes.