
These clouds cast an umbrella- like cover over this town.
These clouds cast an umbrella- like cover over this town.
That army knife and/or Boy Scout knife has a full assortment of blades, bottle openers, corkscrews, leather punchs and....emergency scissors.
For: scissors contest
The rust weathered exterior is a beautiful enhancement to this Rock and Roll theatre marque.
For: water towers contest
Neiman Marcus fills a complete 20 ft by 20 ft display window with a single, life size mannequin with perfect lighting. Very life-like and sexy.
For: window shopping 2 contest
The image of Grace Kelly will always represent elegance. Mont Blanc writing instruments.
For: window shopping 2 contest
Much of this town's historical look remains the same except for a fresh paint
For: water towers contest
We hold so much of our environment's future in our hand.
For: in a hand 2 contest
The window display draws in a hopeful customer.
For: window shopping 2 contest
You never know what the clouds will develope into except into something beautiful. Six images merged into panarama in photoshop.
An afternoon rain storm temporarily hides the town water tower.
For: water towers contest
These tracks have been retired by evidence of the neglected rail beds.
For: train rails contest
I admit it was impossible to not taste just one while photographing.
For: photo tournament 1 round 3 contest
Doctor's have said no cigars, no caffine and no red meat. I know they're going to cut out my favorite sweet too so I hide my M&M's in my Nikon lens coffee cup.
For: photo tournament 1 round 3 contest
These baseboards are clean enough to pass any inspection. Now I need to get up off the grocery store floor before someone turns me in for taking an inappropriate photo of another shopper.
For: going low 2 contest
Glass ceiling leads shoppers around the mall.
Several lines lead toward the still horizon
This hometown memorial is dedicated to local military family members who were lost to wars. I've been temped to take shots of people sitting on the benches, but I decided instead to respect their moment of remberence.
Downtowns buildings have a fantastic view of it's popular park.
For: city skyline contest
Precise adjustments result in a perfect circle.
For: perfect circles 2 contest