Don't ya want one

Circular plexiglass paperweight. My wife gave me this with her photo in it. I've got only minutes to shoot and put her back.
For: perfect circles 2 contest
Circular plexiglass paperweight. My wife gave me this with her photo in it. I've got only minutes to shoot and put her back.
For: perfect circles 2 contest
The county knows it's there and even marked it with an orange spray. It better glow in the dark.
For: photo tournament 1 round 2 contest
Unlike modern day asphalt that shows creaks, but maintains it's integrity, older concrete road surfaces break and raise up like the continental plates of the earths' surface.
For: photo tournament 1 round 2 contest
For: perfect circles 2 contest
Several colors here minus any typical beach blond.
This lineman's harness allows a brief moment for the camera before heading back up.
This silhouette artist on Disney Main Street looks similar to the hundreds of other female WDW employees
Urban dictionary's try to OK the word "Squozen" which is referred to as the product after it's been squeezed. Don't believe's not a word.
For: citrus fruit contest
Small cracks not visible during daylight hours appear under evening street lights.
For: photo tournament 1 round 2 contest
Nothing like a warm sea breeze after a refreshing swim.
So now if someone steals my camera bag, they have a name to locate my phone number and then ask for a reward for recovering it.
For: your name 2 contest
Reminds me of the airport scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Total Recall. This gave me a headache.
For: ko photo tournament contest
I always forget where my glasses are so i never take them off.
For: all wet 2 contest
This cannon is located below in the worlds largest four masted ship and the oldest (100 years) of it class still floating. The Mashulu. Interesting aim at one of our newer battle ships.
For: weapons 2 contest
Even if gentleman doesn't bring a gun to the poker game, beware of this cane with a hidden sword inside if you get caught cheating.
For: weapons 2 contest
These elephant leafs take a beating during a downpour. A great deal of surface area becomes saturated and weighs down the leaves.
For: all wet 2 contest
Mutually trusting one another with a symbolic key. Drop by first.
For: abstract friendship contest
Evening thunderstorm over the Atlantic Ocean Peeking in and out from behind the clouds. I love storms.
For: lightning bolts 2 contest
Leonardo Da Vinci was a left handed writer and was self taught, so he wrote right to left (and backwards) in order to avoid smudging. I am also a left handed person and understand his intent.
For: your name 2 contest
These horses are amazing and can turn on a dime. No rider or horse was injured this event.
For: ko photo tournament contest
A quick taste and off to another flower
For: ko photo tournament contest