Self portrait

A young student's early attempt at oil in 1934 Should have keep it up years later.
For: paintings contest
A young student's early attempt at oil in 1934 Should have keep it up years later.
For: paintings contest
Chairs in position around a fire pit ready for an evening of conversation ...and maybe a beer.
For: chairs contest
A photographer catches Arnold Palmer fooling around during a pro am round when Arnold should've been thinking about his erratic putting.
For: biter bit contest
This is located in one of the highest high spots of Central Florida and the tower its self can be seen from 10 miles away in any direction.
For: illuminated contest
For: surfing contest
At one point ,seeing that I had a longer lens, this kite surfer actually changed direction and steered himself with kite right out of the water and up the sand bank to me. Asked to sent photos to the nearby beach rental stand and then glided right back into the water. amazing.
For: surfing contest
Horses in the sun (HITS) equestrian circuit in Ocala Florida. Tough economic times Owners only shipping one or two horses from Europe for competition verse years past when it was 3 to 5 horses. Breaks my heart to see such pressures.
I uploaded another image because of dust visable on the first one.
For: commercial contest
Lightened a little. A little help maybe.
For: hands 2 contest
For: round and round 2 contest
For: round and round 2 contest
For: jar time contest
For: round and round 2 contest
These little guys are very alert and probably will give up the occupancy of this box very soon.
For: occupied contest
One of two bench swings in a small town park. It takes patience to wait for the opportunity for their turn
For: occupied contest
!931 Packard. What an automobile !
For: car brands contest