Nails should hold

For: fence me contest
For: fence me contest
This is a tiny tree frog that has slid down the center of a pineapple plant. Probably full of water and safe from whatever it was that attacked it's nose
The smart crane in the forefront is facing into the wind, but the other crane has her back to the wind which is blowing up her skirt.
This tree typically flows with every breeze, but on this day the wind was stronger and combined with rain. It was lost in Charlie.
In a woods loaded with trees covered with spanish moss, it takes a good eye to locate these nocturnal creatures.
For: camouflage contest
Once this guy lowers his head, he becomes part of the tree. His three colors are identical to the surroundings.
For: camouflage contest
For: squared 2 contest
Philodendron's have beautiful root systems and are beautiful in clear glass vases.
For: roots contest
Clearing for progress. Beautiful and strong roots are transformed into worthless debris above ground.
For: roots contest
Even the beautiful Sandhill crane can be caught in a bad and ugly moment. It should be pointed out that this is not an aggressive expression ...He's yawning.
When loved ones enter a large military cemetery to mourn lost love ones, they first encounter a sign selling coffee and sweets. What next...beach chairs and a movie?
Owl boxes are intended for seasonal Screech owls, but this time a swarm of honey bees took over the box inside and out. After 6 weeks, they left ...honey and all.
Referring to my scar....required at least 6 inches for room to attach titanium rods and screws to secure broken back caused by trampoline (or stupidity).
For: scars contest