
Not a simple widdling.
For: carvings contest
Not a simple widdling.
For: carvings contest
We can all relate.
For: words contest
I wanted to take a shot from someone's perspective on a gurney, but once again the security staff escorted me to my car. I also was smoking a cigar in a hospital zone. They weren't happy.
For: words contest
Three generations have slept in this hand carved four poster plus a few earlier girlfriends.
For: carvings contest
A crow flies to a flat rooftop to eat his catch and take a sip of water.
For: rooftops contest
For: nose profile contest
Can I just take a drop?
For: out of dark contest
At first it was thought to be "natural causes," but further investigation has raised doubts.
For: nose profile contest
For: beverages 2 contest
These guys are a little more frisky to photograph.
For: dragonflies contest
I liked the involvement of the leaf and the almost undefined weight of the dragonfly... bending it.
For: dragonflies contest
I'm just studying the pictures in the Time Life photo book you gave me.
This display uses less that 1/4 of the space for merchandise in order to make room for colorful handing mobiles that move with the inside air conditioning and attract more passer-by attention.
We've all had that stupid cardboard flap on the back of a picture frame break off. This is the typical repair
For: fixed contest
The winning soccer team lines up in the opposite direction of their opponents to touch hands.
While in the mall, I stopped at this Victoria's Secret window display because of it's strong selling message. Unknowingly I also caught the sales manager inside waving me off saying no pictures please. I thought the mall cops woud be the ones to stop me from shooting.
Everyone has had one pair of glasses that required a quick fix instead of purchasing new ones. I used scotch tape to show the break, but a waterproof bandaid works better.
For: fixed contest
The monorail get set to follow the line of the rail...even the green light points towards the line direction.