Proud Dad

Caught at a public park, i stopped this father and son about a photo and Dad said ok if i sent him a copy. Deal !
For: parent child contest
Caught at a public park, i stopped this father and son about a photo and Dad said ok if i sent him a copy. Deal !
For: parent child contest
The only good weed is a dead weed
For: weeds contest
For: parent child contest
My hometown Philadelphia has such a history and displays of old and new like this church against the skyscrapers and the waxing salon across the street.
For: city bw contest
Projects can pile up till nothing gets done.
For: piling up contest
It's your turn to retrieve the baseball.
And someday all this jewelry will be yours.
For: parent child contest
He was a rock to us in life and death.
For: graveyards 2 contest
Four photos stitched into panorama and converted to gray scale in photoshop.
For: city bw contest
Least we forget the world's most famous arches.
For: archways contest
The trees block the light allowing only a fraction to make it to the ground.
This architect used the Bell arch throughout. No variations.
For: archways contest
This old looking (Lancet Arch) entrance is actually on a 10 year old home built entirely as a castle. Neighbors still can't believe it.
For: archways contest
The delicate structure of the wing is accented by it's transparency.
For: tele photos contest
Some wild ction shot at 280mm (70-200 with 1.4 teleconverter). For fun go to the SBS to see the very next scene.
For: tele photos contest
Eyes like a hawk. Oh..he is a hawk.
For: flight 2 contest
I watched several pelicans circle, dive and take off for about an hour. They're graceful and mostly wings..
For: tele photos contest
Professional photographers pay dearly to get access inside the gallery lines to get a straight of shot of pros teeing off. Similar to photographing a firing squad from the accused vantage point.
For: gutsy shots contest
As I edge towards the middle of the net, This staged tennis return gets closer and closer.
For: gutsy shots contest
This family vacation attacks the water park armed with goggles and flip flops.