
Yikes, this theme is tough. this is one attempt. I'm still poking more holes...hit or miss task. By the way, anyone want to purchase a slightly used nikon body lens cap?
Yikes, this theme is tough. this is one attempt. I'm still poking more holes...hit or miss task. By the way, anyone want to purchase a slightly used nikon body lens cap?
Fences always seem to need fixing. I'll fix mine next weekend.
For: gates contest
Just in case, let's put a lock on the shed door in case the bungee cord doesn't keep'm out
For: gates contest
I guess this cattle gate has seen better days. the economy has everyone eating chicken.
For: gates contest
Great look of rustic Chicago Brick around a pool / courtyard setting.
For: bricks contest
As his parents stand guard, this sandhill crane chick takes a brief nap.
For: snooze 2 contest
For: smile please contest
Painted over and over, the love still show through.
For: bricks contest
A constant rotation of tomatoes (now cut back). beautiful red peppers, fast growing radishes, good luck pineapple and a single avocado.
For: gardens contest
Right next to our Herbs...spinach.
For: gardens contest
Your laugher brings me sunshine Everyday is spring time And I am only happy when you are by my side How precious, sweet and rare Together we belong like daffodils and butterflies Written and performed by Dolly Parton
For: song lyrics contest
Give me an hour long cold shower and some hair of the dog and I'm good to go.
For: hangover contest
Rubber Duckie you're the one You make bathtime lots of fun Rubber Duckie, I'm awfully fond of you. Sung by Ernie, Sesame Street
For: song lyrics contest
God of food and wine = celebration bash
For: masks contest
For: body parts 2 contest
Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.
A time proven romantic outing.
"A good cigar is a great smoke" quote by Winston Churchill.
For: smoking contest
Entrance to a coffee shop. I don't know what it is but vines everywhere and a few bees.
For: vines contest
This climbing vine starts blooming in January and ends in march. This would be a great contest for next spring when everything is backin bloom.
For: vines contest