Going to rain.

I rotated the image to give a better perspective in line with the contest purpose.
For: upview contest
I rotated the image to give a better perspective in line with the contest purpose.
For: upview contest
I'll grow into it.
For: helmet contest
This poor frog is a goner as this crane prepares him for dinner.
For: ranidaphobia contest
A doubles team shakes hands to express their mutual appreciation for a shot well played.
No picnic is successful without a well woven whicker picnic basket.
For: ranidaphobia contest
Kiss me.
For: ranidaphobia contest
Small kingfisher looks for supper.
For: silhouettes contest
These days old pure white screech owls haven't opened their eyes yet. You can count the beaks. In a few weeks they'll be gone.
For: cuteness 2 contest
This night shot finally caught who was stealing our tomatoes.
This is a photo of two hand cut silhouettes that were overlapped and made into a sign for an antique booth. Cut was not done by machine but a person sat and in one continuos motion cut each image. Not a great contest photo, but shows interesting skill.
For: silhouettes contest
Basil is easy to maintain, keep hydrated and plenty of light. Did you know that in the American pronunciation the H is silent and in the English version, it's pronounced as it's spelled. No more herb photos, this thing is too heavy.
For: herbs contest
Broad multiple leaf is Basil that my wife uses frequently. The slender leaf is rosemary and I don't know what she does with that.
For: herbs contest
For: blue white contest