Archetypical 3-D

For: glasses contest
For: glasses contest
I stopped to ask if it was ok to take his photo and offered to give him a dollar or something. He said no need to give him any money but would I send a copy of the photo to his e-mail which he reads on the library computer. Is he a victim of the economy or someone who's lost the will to try.
For: poverty contest
A little levels added .... better.
For: mother love contest
This shot just had to be straight on with that great expression.
For: hobbies 2 contest
Fly casting is not only a hobby but a dedication of timing and lots of practice. This is a demonstration at a Field and Stream challenge.
For: hobbies 2 contest
You wonder why we don't see as many coin operated machines any more.
For: coin slots contest
For: valentine contest
Nothing say's I love you better than a hand full of St Valentines day M & M's
For: valentine contest
For: coin slots contest
when the conditions fit, you can't find a better piece of glass.
For: photo equipment 2 contest
Truckers drive in and out of fog blankets.
For: fog contest
This horse is actually a full sized statue and painted in red, white and blue.
Lot of colors in this sport especially red.
A good omelet would take about 30 of these.
For: eggs contest
1 lb stirling proof of silver US eagle dollar