Tahitian Sign

The beautiful Hibiscus was (is) traditionally worn by the women of Tihiti and tucked behind their ear. This has sharpening to accent the texture.
The beautiful Hibiscus was (is) traditionally worn by the women of Tihiti and tucked behind their ear. This has sharpening to accent the texture.
Somewhere it's evening, the power lines get very little rest.
Violin case and vintage car
For: film noir contest
Thei highest part of the fountain starts the trickle down effect.
I hope this is the right pole.
What else can you say.
For: bikes contest
Several blocks to the beach for some relaxing surf casting.
For: bikes contest
High tech and muscle.
For: bikes contest
These birds fly past me on the turnpike, so I sped up a mile or so and waited for them to catch up with me for a shot.
For: white contest
Relax, don 't make the bed. Enjoy the silent white light.
For: white contest
After a days ride, a little wind helps freshen up your threds.
For: leather contest
Second only to Serin Gas, this mask performs a serious function.
For: masks contest
Like a crushing Boa constrictor, this vine will eventually win over the rusted fence.
Every kid of 5 yrs old saw this illusion performed by their Dad. No one was better until the first trip to Vegas.
For: illusions contest
As babies these Sand Cranes are completely identical and pretty much remain that way as adults. Bob's on the right..or is he on the left.
For: twins contest
If you think you might fall, you should wear the correct uniform.
For: uniforms contest
Even the roughest lawn can benefit from a little manicuring.
For: grass contest
This famous person might be before many of your time.
For: doppelganger contest
Behia produces it's own seed and makes a great Florida grass.
For: grass contest
Flashing background spots, low light and no camera flash. Focusing...not a chance!
For: defocus contest
One moment they're standing and doing nothing and In another second, they're up and away.
For: defocus contest
I think food has involvement here.
For: flight contest