Snake in the grass

For: reptiles contest
For: reptiles contest
High diving pelicans collect their prey the hard way.
For: impact contest
Living in a golfing community is sometimes spoiled by the predawn sound of maintenance equipment.
For: neighborhood contest
A vacant concrete pedestal is perfect for an impromptu statute.
For: inanimation contest
If you don't pass the ball, your opponent will track you down.
For: team sports contest
An afternoon of cricket.... does anyone know how to keep score?
For: team sports contest
They sleep a lot in the beginning, but make up for it later.
For: snooze contest
Never pass up a beautiful face or a dramatic sunrise.
Night stand perfume bottle standing on black construction paper background.
A proud Mother shares the moment of receiving the first ribbon of hopefully many future equestrian accomplishments.
For: rewards contest
The groom takes a serious pause as the Father of the Bride prepares to give his daughter away. The Bride's loving smile should wipe away the grooms fears.
During a formal wedding shoot, both the bride and bridesmaid are distracted by my camera. The bridesmaid strikes a pose saying " it's not just about the bride." Almost a Disco stance.
Reading, writing or just thinking are done better on a swing.
For: artsy swings contest
Playground swing modeled after the Medivale Chastity belt.
For: artsy swings contest
Surrounded by the fallen, one becomes the last standing.
For: the last one contest
This color shot was adjusted in Photoshop elements by reducing the blue and increasing the red to achieve the sepia results.
For: sepia toning contest
The setting sun includes a ring flair just before complete sundown.
For: lens flare contest
Nothing like a wedding to forget your problems. My flash wasn't on and lots of brightness applied that affects the sharpness. However, I thought the shot applicable.
For: mark twain contest
The wall reflects past paint overs to hide illegal graffiti. However located under the bridge can be a less desirable graffiti location since it can't easily be seen by passerbyers.
For: graffiti contest
Is it worse luck to continue to use a broken mirror than to discard?
The sun is blocked as wind and rain drive a veil over nearby homes and water tower.
For: the elements contest
As assistance for impared hearing guests, the wedding vows are communicated by sign language.
For: communication means contest