pocket watch

watch dome
For: clean glass contest
watch dome
For: clean glass contest
A street dancer tries to get attention during a downtown noon lunch break.
Sandhill cranes do that crazy matting dance but it's the scream that drives you crazy.
While photographing windsurfers, one person makes sure he's the main subject.
Philadelphia riverfront beauty
Cute shot but never touch that flower again.
Maybe someday he will be the triumphant boat warrior.
Embers dance from a raging outdoor bond fire like a 4th of July fireworks show .
For: fire contest
The Dragon Boat drummer checks out the other boats progress during the race.
This is a real birds eye view. Shooting into a sunset and desaturating.
For: on a branch contest
During the hatching process, Dad watches from an almost completely hidden branch location.
For: on a branch contest
This rule illustrates that the lack of 4th grad spelling doesn't diminish the importance of the message. Sign posted in South Florida after the last of 4 hurricanes.
For: james joyce contest
This electrical lineman watches his partner carefull with safety line in hand should a problem develope.
For: looking up contest
Mother swan keeps close tabs on her young cygnets,
For: motherhood contest
A look of concentration with that little bit of fear. You're out.
For: looking up contest
This chicken hawk rests for a second until the local bluejay tells him he's not welcome.
For: on a branch contest
This was the exact title of this photo for obvious reasons.
For: bottoms up contest
Maybe if you bent your knees The grass wouldn't seem so far away.
For: bottoms up contest
Nothing like surprising a baby owl during the day to get a startled look.
For: off guard contest
While setting up for a 50th wedding anniversary photo a laugh breaks out and who knows what was said. After 50 years there are bound to be some inside jokes.
For: goethe contest
Frist I'm listening to a singing trio and suddenly the lights dim and it becomes a fire swallowing show. Way to go Hyatt.
For: light source contest
The mirrowed image of a waterside building is interrupted by a passing boater.
For: water contest
Simple lighting mellows the whole room
For: light source contest