love of life

Two completely different living things on the opposite spectrum of life fullfilling their desire for companionship.
Two completely different living things on the opposite spectrum of life fullfilling their desire for companionship.
"Light my fire" by the Doors 1966
For: song title contest
Downtown by Petula Clark
For: song title contest
She's the second prettiest member of the household. This sits in the dining room which is her favorite room..naturally!
For: framed photo contest
I've never met Tiger Woods....honest!
For: inanimate contest
Always present, always remembered and always Gracey.
For: framed photo contest
Probably one of those trademarks that no one owns. Catching isn't it.
For: inanimate contest
Upholstery button
For: buttons contest
Doesn't everyone have one of theses?
For: inanimate contest
The hazzard of sports photgraphy is illustrated by this enlarged tennis ball. Even the player's eyes are looking direct at me. It missed, but not by much.
This war vet displays his colors every day
For: patriotism contest
Any way you's beautiful.
For: bouquets contest
It's magicial how neatly placed necklesses wind up entangled the next time they are needed with no outside help.
For: knots contest
Say it with flowers.
For: bouquets contest
Better eat this quickly before it drips off the plate.
For: ice cream contest
Red roses ..... no stronger symbol of love.
For: bouquets contest
Just a simple ice cream parfait for dessert. I personally prefer 2 basic scoops.
For: ice cream contest
You've got to break an egg to make an omelet so here's the wall egg being broken.
For: window view contest
Is this face ugly or just too unique to be described. What am i?
For: ugly nature contest
After 50 years together, we still love each other....some days more than others.
For: people love contest
What better place to express your love but on a lake with a fountain.
For: people love contest
The look and laugh tells you the love is there after all those years.
For: people love contest
The beautiful lines of the SC 430 are even more beautiful with a little under exposure. I hope this is OK for the contest.
Take a moment to have your coffee at sunrise. It'll never taste better. Cool orange till a full sun shines hot yellow.