Remember this?

Whether it's the memory of spending the day with Dad or Dad remembering the back pain for days, it's all good.
For: theme park contest
Whether it's the memory of spending the day with Dad or Dad remembering the back pain for days, it's all good.
For: theme park contest
Beautiful day but no people.
For: theme park contest
100 yr Florida live oaks allow only bits of light to hit the body.
Hung high over the street by a crane, it blows almost in slow motion due to it's 100 ft long size.
For: windy flags contest
This 100 foot long flag is hung by a crane over the main street to the Delray Beach 4th of July activities.
For: windy flags contest
A familar coat of arms of those searching for the holy grail.
For: coat of arms contest
Resting on the front door molding, these two have to make some decisions on direction.
For: animal love contest
This is much more creativity than i'd expect from a cold blooded reptile.
For: animal love contest
After meeting at puppy training 3 1/2 years ago, the Bernese Montain dog and Labradoddle still hold hands. Inagine what the offspring would look like.
For: animal love contest
The only marker is the doc from the funeral service plus a pin wheel and unopened soda bottle. One can only guess the story behind this unusually sparse headstone.
For: cemeteries contest
A devoted husband visits with hose in hand to pay homage to his loved one by maintaining the plot's plants.
For: cemeteries contest
An abundance of fresh flowers represents a great number of individuals not forgotten.
For: cemeteries contest
Hotel reflection taken from inside the philadelphia hotel lounge off the storefront window of a musical instrument store. Might not qualify but interesting.
For: reflections contest
Had to wait several days for overcast conditions to reduce sun variations and help blending.
For: panoramas contest
Sun is hot, water is cool and the beer is illegal.
For: panoramas contest
Lion ring with amethyst. Original ring still exists but the lion etching is worn thin and almost not recognizable.
Hard to believe craftman of old used to hand carve these claw and ball feet. Beautiful !
antique smoking stand with overlooking guardian. What's it trying to tell you?
Always a fond memory with Grandfathers Howard pocket watch....still runs !
Music man a la Disney. Nothing like a full dress band.
For: instruments contest
My friend does his solo with complete emption. No photo manipulation, just incorrect white balance in studio stage lighting
For: instruments contest
Baby hoots keep hidden till evening feeding time
For: camouflage contest
Here's the little who hides all day. We watch this tree for years sometimes not knowing that it's right in front of our eyes. This entry is only to reveal the image of the previous entry.
For: camouflage contest
Can you find it? Night time is it's playing field, but daytime is all camouflage. I've used my second entry to expose the subject.
For: camouflage contest