A Squirrel's "Tale"
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
A story comes alive when you read it. Please check high-res and used sources before voting. Thanks certified su, TheTruthabout..., wblj, renaudeh, TexasEagle, Gare and Kitty, Armando Maynez, ::DEEBS:: is taking it easy and Christian Haugen for the images!
Logo and label made with Illustrator. The rest is Photoshop. This is meant to be one advertisement in a sery of ads. All with the same subject "your most precious power", than followed by different ideas with different photos.
For: kabooza contest
All source. Check SBS
For: kitchen view contest