
Only the source image is used. Some of the shapes were created in CorelDraw.
Only the source image is used. Some of the shapes were created in CorelDraw.
Coconut man
For: coconuts contest
Thanks to for the background image
For: coconuts contest
Only the Coconuts source image is used
For: coconuts contest
I made it juts because I thought the idea was funny.
For: legs contest
HB Pencil, 0.3 and 0.7 pens used. No reference used.
For: aliens contest
Laborious job. Management elements and their shadows, taking into account size and perspective. Reference plane shape. Edit: background surface blur.
For: leadership contest
source and zpaint (w/ps)
For: leadership contest
credits: semireal- deviantart- tw1stedtruth- deviantart
For: contest
Here is a revised version for the people that said I was out of guidelines. I liked the original better and yes I know it's not likely for a human to adapt to breathe under water. I also know that if the earth was covered completely by water all the existing structures would be useless and we woul...
Thanks to Eren Goksel for a great Earth tut! I'll try to get a more detailed SBS done soon.
From Alice in Wonderland Thanks to Dorothy86 from DeviantArt for the narghile image The other sources are my own images.
For: fairy tales contest
Burn, dodge and smudge tools only. No reference used.
No source photos used.
For: cat fun contest
No other sources; The image was created with Photoshop and CorelDRAW
For: globe contest
no external source image used...hope its on theme...
I just rotated and adjusted letters, numbers, and symbols to create a portrait.
made with crayons :)
For: surrealism contest
c4d+ps the words says: delta dawn sbs coming
nothing but the source
For: lips contest