Advertising gone wrong

This was my 3rd entry on PST/PXL and my favourite. I had to upload again. Someone at Jolly Good Soda's thought it would be a great advertising campaign… It caused quite a stir.
For: the final goodbye contest
This was my 3rd entry on PST/PXL and my favourite. I had to upload again. Someone at Jolly Good Soda's thought it would be a great advertising campaign… It caused quite a stir.
For: the final goodbye contest
I wanted to try and make a pic like Nik Ainley's Fluid, so set to work searching… I found this group of pics on DeviantArt and downloaded via the link I found out that these pics were taken by Alexander Yakovlev so emailed him via his...
For: splash fun contest
Thank you to ArminH for 'Stone tower', to dreamtwist for 'gate', thank you to ibeeby for 'Stone Window', thank you to nadasiv for 'stained glass 3', thank you to natebernar for 'Stained Glass' and thank you to dboggs for 'Stained Glass 1'
For: door mania contest
Many Thanks to beteton for sky and clouds 3, to Loire for starry sky and to annbra for Moon.
For: door mania contest
Thank you to Katanaz-Stock of deviantART for their great shot, 'Female Stock 98' Thank you to CGTextures for their Ink shots Ink Drop 0009 and 0010. This is another old entry from PST as my poor old brain cell just can't come up with anything new.
An old one reborn. Source only, sbs to follow.
Created the layout in InDesign, exported an EPS and rasterised in Photoshop. Thank you to Giallo for the use of his logo. Main image is from the Lace competition, thank you to hbrinkman, mjio, Antje Hilgenfeld c/o CG textures and ctechs. The top image in column 1 is from a RetouchPro challenge don...
Thank you to Tobias Biehl for his great eagle in flight picture myky020 for his fantastic magic horse and NASA for the coiled galaxy pic, the galaxy cluster pic and the milky way galaxy pic, also desconhecido for the Galáxias_espiral.gif
Just got elephant in place duped background used elephant to create a displacement map. Thanks to Wia-Tirol and thanks to davidlat.
This is an old pst entry. Thanks to mzacha for the waste paper container. Thanks to sundstrom for the shattered glass 6. Thanks to cflorinc for the grunge car. The arm and sandal are my own pics.
For: attacking objects contest
This competition was running when I first joined the site in Jan09, so I made this pic. Unfortunately I didn't realise that it was a 10+ level competition and I couldn't upload it. Thank you to Sergey Lebedev for his great locomotive. Well I decided to take the bus It was about 6:05 'cause I c...
Thank you to Samantha Villagran aka sammylee for her 'sam close up' photo. Thank you to Michael Zimmermann aka michi2004 for his 'Scan yourself' photo.
Thank you to Aimee Spinks of Spinxphotography for permission to use her pic Fran III, copy of email in sbs. Thank you to Craig Jewell (craigpj) for the use of his lightbulb pic. Thank you to Jeff Hire (gun4hire) for the use of his eye of the storm pic. I had entered this pic in an old PST comp ...
Thank you to Herman Brinkman (hbrinkman) for the medieval chapel shot. Thank you to Karin Lindtrom (mjio) for the Ruined castle shot. Thank you to Antje Hilgenfeld c/o CG textures for the old rusted chain texture. Thank you to Jeff Prieb (ctechs) for the Old Ball and Chain shot. SBS to follow.
For: lace contest