Los Guardianes de Anka

The Guardians of Anka - Statue I: My own scuplture - Anka: Phoenix
The Guardians of Anka - Statue I: My own scuplture - Anka: Phoenix
I worked with the skin texture of the frog
For: frog contest
For: surrealism 3 contest
Froggy Rich could never find anyone to accompany him so he just sits in the woods and does his thing. His favorite jam, the theme from Hawaii Five-O (the original).
For: fly agaric contest
Milly, Mandy and Molly Mushy are modelling their marvellously modern mumus.
For: fly agaric contest
Everything is created in photoshop, please have a look at the sbs.
For: steampunk 3 contest
Sort of a hothead, I guess... Smoke brushes http://c130.deviantart.com/art/Smoke-Brushes-163147911 Light ray brushes, Brusheezy http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/50106-22-rays-of-light-brushes
For: steampunk 3 contest
Please see in high resolution .. Drawn in ps with wacom tablet, Used a metal background for the texture to paint the face.
For: design a member avatar contest
Just for fun.. :)
It stands alone in the setting sun...
For: superheros and super villains contest
Quicky, not much time to work on it.
He hangs out here a lot.
For: caricature 3 contest
Thanks to faestock, masochisticcannibal, Rimisa and DaeStock
For: comic book contest
Thanks to faestock and CAStock
For: comic book contest
For: comic book contest
Thanks to Mizzd-Stock