Plane formation
Laborious job. Management elements and their shadows, taking into account size and perspective. Reference plane shape. Edit: background surface blur.
For: leadership contest
Laborious job. Management elements and their shadows, taking into account size and perspective. Reference plane shape. Edit: background surface blur.
For: leadership contest
Only source image used.
For: autumn alley contest
Here is a revised version for the people that said I was out of guidelines. I liked the original better and yes I know it's not likely for a human to adapt to breathe under water. I also know that if the earth was covered completely by water all the existing structures would be useless and we woul...
Happy little bugs court each other somewhere in the forest. No other sources used.
For: horse tail contest
This photo of my mother was taken in 1954. This is the most difficult thing i ever did in photoshop. Don't know wich background works best green or blue?? Hope you like it :-)
For: photo restoration contest
This image was taken around 1900, i've never done a restoration like this before. It involved a lot of clone stamping and colouring, as well as a lot of adjustments. I used levels, curves, brightness contrast and colour balance to rey and create a newer feel. I hope it looks okay Thanks to Falln-...
For: photo restoration contest
All is created from the source
For: ship wheel contest
Texture by Princess of Shadows
For: ship wheel contest
This model done in 3ds max and vray .materials were the default vraymaterials
For: free for all contest
this is the work i rendered in 3ds max and vray.thanx to cg textures and the morguefile for the textures.
For: free for all contest
I wanted to create a contrast of visuals, between the thorny thistles and the calm puddle.
For: thistles contest
Additional source photo by Pietroizzo
Thanks to Herman Brinkman, Falln-Stock and Rodolfo Belloli for the great stock. An e-mail was send to Rodolfo and Falln-Stock.
Only source Happy new year!!!
For: boomerang contest
Divorces are hard but a troubled marriage is even harder! But it was for the best. I have one of her eyes sewn shut because she never seemed to see the big picture. I have her mouth zipped shut because she never seemed to have any thing nice to say. And i was going to have her heart ripped out bu...
For: severed ties contest
Only the source image is used
For: empty room contest
Texts by Brandi Hilliard here ... Tried to follow and adapt this tutorial I'm not sure about the shadows...
For: notes contest
Tunnel thanks to justinbyerline Steps thanks to faestock
For: empty room contest