Gumdrops and Blossoms

All of entry is done using the source photo. Please see SBS
For: gumdrop tree contest
All of entry is done using the source photo. Please see SBS
For: gumdrop tree contest
Processed the given source in photoshop. No additional sources or references.
For: gumdrop tree contest
Credit to : 1.Rain Brushes : 2.New York City :
Imagine going to the theater and watching this breathtaking film where you watch paint dry for 2 and a half hours. Come to think of it, there are some films out there that make you feel as though you are watching paint dry for 2 and a half hours.
Light Bearer - Credit to ~Cat-in-the-Stock on DeviantArt Sky - Credit to ~blueangelstock on DeviantArt
For: lighthouse contest
objects made from the source image, all the metal in helmet ,axe blade, and armor. the brown clothing, horns, and the eyes. all other sources are listed
For: mug mug contest
I used the default fonts for most of the texts: Georgia, Cambria and Arial. "CIRCUS" was created with 3D PS resource and Berlin Sans FB Demi, each letter at a time and then colorized using the same resource.
A weekend project with my grandson.
For: gone fishing contest
Great day out on-sea... very special day to remember!
For: first love contest
So, here's my first try of fun self portrait... I'm more into cartoon-caricatures.
For: fun self portraits contest
Adobe Illustrator CS4. No sources or references.