166 comments given:
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

I LOVE THIS! Great idea, great source find and wonderful execution!! high vote from me

(5 years and 3069 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

LOVE IT! Great idea! what a cool mix of creatures, and so well done! I do see what Freejay is saying though, the whole tail area could be a but darker, but either way fantastic job!! and certainly high votes from me

(5 years and 3072 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS! Such a fantastic job, the lighting is beautiful, the color pallet is spot on, attention to detail is superb! And it doesn't hurt at all the its freakin adorable! Great idea, so simple but interesting and very well executed.

(5 years and 3073 days ago)

Cat Fish
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Yes yes yes! great improvement

(5 years and 3073 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

VERY COOL! love the overall color and feel of the picture!! Great pice of art! A couple suggestions take them if you wish, if not this still a great piece. Maybe make the eyes all black, or maybe glowing! Right now she looks a little cross eyed. Also it would be nice to see some fine detail hair strands, you could make just a few paths and stroke them with the pressure turned on. Anyway good luck!

(5 years and 3074 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Congrats!! I'm really glad this won you did a great job!!

(5 years and 3083 days ago)

Mundus est Chocolate
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

haha OH its you! just voted and saw who it was great work!

(5 years and 3086 days ago)

Gone Gothic
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

WONDERFUL! Great attention to detail and an awesome overall change in mood and everything! Best of luck, high vote from me author!

(5 years and 3086 days ago)

Gone Gothic
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

SO AWESOME! Wonderfully lighting and an excellent use of source! Overall just a very well executed clean looking image! well done and good luck!

(5 years and 3087 days ago)

Dream Catcher
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Oh how cooool! So Shiny and great coloring!! A wonderful entry all around. Just a thought (and not to say it isn't just fine as is) but it might be cool to see them standing in water, with a bit of ripple and reflection.

(5 years and 3087 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

YAY! Absolutely great! What an awesome improvement! You take suggestion extremely well

(5 years and 3088 days ago)

Join Pizza
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

I would drop the pizza, and I would go back to step 9, desaturate and colorize a little bit. If you blur the farther away parts and the farthest even more, it'll give it some depth. Also, in an actual landscape, the farther hills and mountains are from the camera, the gradually lighter and duller they look. Check out this picture you'll see what i mean


I think you have the pieces and everything for a great entry, just needs a little tweaking hope this was helpful, best of luck!

(5 years and 3088 days ago)

Join Pizza
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Truly wonderful SO MANY DOTS! Great work!

(5 years and 3091 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Yes its not cut in half, but technically it is "opening up" in some way. So, I guess I'd say it counts. Why stunt someone's creativity/ have an entry removed from a contest with so few entries to begin with? Its not EXACTLY what the contest was for, but I don't think is far enough away from that to matter. Nice chop either way GL

(5 years and 3092 days ago)

I just want a muffin
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Love it! I'm sure this is not what you were aiming for, but the green cloudiness behind her totally looks like she is farting hehehehe, but in all honesty I would leave it that way! haha great work

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

Moonlight Ride
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

a well deserved win!

(5 years and 3103 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Whow. AWESOME! Supremely sweet work, I just love colors and overall look of it!!!! only tiny change I would make is to possibly darken the top of the eye a little bit, it looks like the green feathers above it would cast a bit of a shadow, and make the eye look less like its sticking out of his head. But that didn't stop me from giving you a great score

(5 years and 3106 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

what source did you use for the balloon?

(5 years and 3122 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

....sorry to bother you further, but just in case that was confusing at all, I was just talking about the shadow of the tree and the sticks

(5 years and 3127 days ago)

Still Life
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Very cool! Great use of the source image, and wonderful shading!! Just a thought, the blurriness of the background suggests that it is far away, and your shadow tells us that it is very close, so your losing depth. Also there would have to be a light coming from where the viewer is for the shadow to be there...so long story short I would drop the shadow all together, and maybe blur the background a bit more, you could also desaturate the background a bit to make everything else pop! But either way this is a great entry. good luck

(5 years and 3127 days ago)

Still Life
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

I love this very creative use or source image high vote from me! Just a thought, you might want to do some patch tooling of clone stamping of the clouds so they don't look mirrored where the light is coming from.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Oh I love this shot! such concentration! I love watching an artist at work

(5 years and 3200 days ago)

The art and artist
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

very cool! Looks like he is singing hehe

(5 years and 3239 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Very cool, I like the use of colors. Just wondering what is on the Deer's nose? it tongue perhaps? You might want to think about removing that. And a starry sky might be cool to

(5 years and 3256 days ago)

This is something special
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

This is really cool! Great idea/execution of the shell. If you can make the table top under the shell more in focus I think it would look a bit more realistic. Right now it looks like the shell was placed over a blurred image and is not actually sitting on that surface.

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

I love the overall feel of the photo, great color and texturing!

(5 years and 3419 days ago)

Ice Beauty
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Yeah I must say I am a little confused by the fruit in the pitcher, and why are they surrounded by purple....?

(5 years and 3419 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Very nice work! I especially like the bottom of the dress, the way the light is coming through it look great!!

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

power girl