avatar Rod13


Rod is a 57 year old man from Springdale, Arkansas. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3205 days. He was last seen 5 years and 2270 days ago.

  • 1
  • 5
  • 1
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» Reputation points:77 Rank: 132
» Activity points:11 160 Rank: 489
» Votepower:100.0 Rank: 28477
» Votemedals:21
» Entries:21

Contest stats

» PS avg: 53.36% - top
» Photo avg: 56.5% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 19.048 %
» First places: 0
» Second places: 0
» Third places: 0
» Suggestions:18 (6 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:731
» Vote medals:21
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 138
» Comments receiv.: 48
» Comment score: 298
» Top commenter:0 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • Heat Mirage Picture
  • ResidentWhite Picture

20 profile comments: ( page 1 of 1)

avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

I Found a few very interesting comments in the blogs pertaining to everyone here on this site. I don't remember who wrote them and there was more than one person that said a some of them. If you are one who wrote one of these please take credit for it and correct me if I get it wrong, I was in a rush and was writing in shorthand chicken scratch.

1. Commenting on peoples works - Be nice to the other person who you are commenting to. You have no idea what their day had been like and there will come a time they will comment on your works.
The way you structure your comment can say things you didn't even want to say.
Comment on all works you can because your assistance can help a person who might really need help and is just having a creative block or is just starting out.

2. Voting on works - A vote counts for everyone on this sight. Vote on more than just your friends works, vote on every work you can. Even if it is a low scoring vote you voted.
Everyone deserves the vote not only creative people in your eye, because we are all creative in our own rights.

When I find more try to get the names next time and also befriend them.

(5 years and 3156 days ago)
avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

Not online as much as I would like to be.
Forgive me if I don't get a chance to respond to your comments in a timely manor.
All friends invites are welcome, pass on the word to your friends.
Inspiration comes from with in 75% of the time, 15% from comments from friends, and 10% accidental.

(5 years and 3157 days ago)
avatar Hayato
Hayato says:

Thank you for adding me, Rod! And also your comments on my entry. ^~^v

Welcome & good luck on your journey here.

(5 years and 3161 days ago)
avatar layerstack

Hi friend!! Thanks for the add...

(5 years and 3161 days ago)
avatar IDt8r
IDt8r says:

Thanks for adding me to your friends list. Love your philosophy. Learn, teach and help each other. Would be a great world if we could all do that, huh?

(5 years and 3162 days ago)
avatar Mikaelbg
Mikaelbg says:

Thanks for adding me in your friends list, I did the same

(5 years and 3162 days ago)
avatar FallingHorse

Thanks for the fave Rod

(5 years and 3162 days ago)
avatar hereisanoop

Thanks a lot for the favor on my entry.. 'wonderland'

(5 years and 3187 days ago)
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Welcome to community and best of luck .Have fun

(5 years and 3190 days ago)
avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

Thanks for the welcomes guys.

(5 years and 3190 days ago)
avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Thanks for adding me to your friend list. Welcome to our community, hope that you'll have great time here

(5 years and 3190 days ago)
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

thanks for favoring my entry..

(5 years and 3192 days ago)
avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

I have a good feeling I'm going to really like it here. I'm really glad I stumbled across this friendly group of creative, outgoing and passionate art lovers.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Thanks for the compliment and welcome to PXL!

(5 years and 3193 days ago)
no avatar

THANKS FOR adding me to your friends list.

thank you for taking the time to comment on my entry.

WELCOME!!! hope that you enjoy joining our artiistic family.

I look forward to seeing your creations.

(5 years and 3193 days ago)
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Thanks a lot for your kind words Rod. This is the great place where u can learn and evolve as an artist. Most of the things that i know i was learned here, and i am still learning from great artist that we have here. If u ever need any help or advice don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day.

(5 years and 3194 days ago)
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Thanks for the kind words about my gallery... looking forward to see more of yours.

(5 years and 3196 days ago)
avatar Rod13
Rod13 says:

Your welcome. I compliment those who show good work and look for things around what people usually tend to look at..

(5 years and 3196 days ago)
avatar patty
patty says:

Thanks a lot for the fave, much appreciated

(5 years and 3197 days ago)
avatar rbsgrl
rbsgrl says:

Thanks much for the fave on my photo!

(5 years and 3198 days ago)