207 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar tnaylor21286

I think the hat needs to cast some shadow on the woman's forehead, I think It will look more like it belongs then.

(5 years and 2859 days ago)

steampunk princess
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Hat is better now, but there's still the key and the edges of the girl (need a better chop/masking).

(5 years and 2860 days ago)

steampunk princess
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Nice image. But hat is kinda floating on the head, like a simple cut-and-paste piece.

(5 years and 2860 days ago)

steampunk princess
avatar spaceranger

Not a bad concept but needs a little work IMHO. The upper left area of the window is partially erased, the bars should be centered in the window frame, the tops of two of them disappear before they reach the window. The girl has a black line on the left side of the image and her legs need shadows. I think you've lightened the image a bit too much, it looks a little washed out.

(5 years and 2860 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Hi res is low res...
EDIT: Hi res is hi res now.

(5 years and 2861 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

This is really cool...just wondering if you wanted the part of the wing as transparent as it is to see the standing woman through it. Are these alter egos of the same person or are you depicting something else? Just curious.

(5 years and 2864 days ago)

good vs evil
avatar oziipop
oziipop says:

there is a lot of unfinished lines in the high rez?

(5 years and 2866 days ago)

night goddess
avatar Sofie73
Sofie73 says:

Now is much better!

(5 years and 2868 days ago)

night goddess
avatar DanLundberg

I understand the intent to be inspirational, but I'm not sure this achieves that. Compositionally, the near-center text column is kind of boring and seems to encroach on the tiger's space—so move the column to the right. As for the text, I think it should be centered vertically, the first word is illegible, two or three fonts should be the limit, and it's odd that the least serious font is chosen for the word 'Christ' (and how do the title and text relate?). Assuming the imagery supports the title/text (which I personally fail to see), why is the larger tiger portion much less dramatic than the tree-branch portion?

(5 years and 2869 days ago)

queen of the forest
avatar DanLundberg

I like this a lot more as well. The title tells us who she is and her scale seems reasonable. If this weren't meant to be fantastical, her front lighting might seem odd but I'm very willing to get caught up in the moment (although a little more shadow where her towel hits the water might add some faux realism). I wish the light reflections in the water pointed more clearly to the moon as their source. I would crop out the right half of the image for several reasons: The resulting composition would be more compelling. The light source for that cliff is inexplicable. A night scene suggests cool light yet the cliff's light is warm.

(5 years and 2869 days ago)

night goddess
avatar samt2b
samt2b says:

love it! i think when u remove some part of the moon or lady i think you forget some part like. some wear on the trees, and i think the lady is some wear in the lake? so she must flout down more! itats my idea! except that, its nice

(5 years and 2870 days ago)

night goddess
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting. I wish the title provided more of a hint as to who this giant goddess is. Her tatoos are not realistic (odd brown outer glow, for example) and overdone IMO. I think the soft black of the foreground trees tones down the drama. The bright blue of the moon seems like a distraction from the mood and color palette of the goddess who should be the focal point; a white moon would fit in better.

(5 years and 2870 days ago)

night goddess
avatar spellweaver

Nicely set out, paper texture a bit much, sky or clouds would probably gone better, or even a park picture

(5 years and 2872 days ago)

fair maiden
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Think your idea is good but went a bit overboard with the vignette, also agree with Erikuri

(5 years and 2874 days ago)

mystical fantasy
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

The mood isnt bad, but please spend some more time to cut out the model better, this is really too roughly done. Also, the begin of the poem is harder to read, cause the background is darker. Good luck!

Edit: looks better already

(5 years and 2876 days ago)

fair maiden
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Beautiful, yes, but a bit blurry...

(5 years and 2878 days ago)

mystical fantasy
avatar micoprego
micoprego says:

Beautiful job

(5 years and 2881 days ago)

mystical fantasy
avatar micoprego
micoprego says:

I took a look at your portfolio, and as this work, the compositions are good, need a little equalize the colors .... choose a palette ... or you could have pulled it all away blue (including the mountain and the mill), or, on the contrary, have pulled the other objects to a sepia tone ..
I like your work, and I know that my opinion is personal, but I really think he missed very little to be a "wow"

(5 years and 2881 days ago)

space fantasy
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Quite dark and mysterious, but well done. The only thing that bothers me is that the girl in front gets light from the right, while the main light source is above left of her. Perhaps you can move the girl ànd the angel a bit more to the left so that the light sources match better, ie till the girl's shoulder is on the left from the light source (and this way you make the left part of the image also more interesting, imo it's a bit too dark and lost space that doesnt interact with the rest of the image). Good luck!

Edit: entry adjusted

(5 years and 2888 days ago)

angels tears
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Author, please work on your masking. The hands are still a mess. Don't try to rush your work.

(5 years and 2890 days ago)

crystal ball
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

like the work on the crystal ball

(5 years and 2893 days ago)

crystal ball
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Masking on the hands needs work, otherwise good idea.

(5 years and 2893 days ago)

crystal ball
avatar spaceranger

DanLundberg makes good points about the composition, as it is now you have the classic mistake of having a tree growing out of her head. The type CMYK46 mentions is from the Marcus Ranum image. The mask work has many problems, you should try using layer mask to silhouette an image. This creates a temporary mask that allows you to bring back the edges of the image that may have been too deep or uneven since the image is still complete under the mask.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

fairy times
avatar DanLundberg

Using just light and dark (not color) is dramatic but also challlenging. I agree totally with the previous commenters. I further suggest employing the Rule of Thirds and moving the fairy to the left so she doesn't blend into the trees while creating a more-compelling and balanced composition.

(5 years and 2895 days ago)

fairy times
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

IMHO as I said, the wings might be better with a bit of transparency, but that's up to you, author. There's some distracting type on the left wing in hi-res. I liked the color version better.

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

fairy times
avatar spaceranger

Besides the black around the figure there's a lot of white and ragged edges on the butterfly as well.

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

fairy times
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice...might be good to remove the black outline around the woman, and make the wings slightly translucent.

(5 years and 2896 days ago)

fairy times
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

If there was a shadow under the wings on the flesh it would help the blend of it better. I really like the idea and the plainness of the extraordinary 'winged angel' in a plain studio type setting. It's really cool, author.

(5 years and 2910 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Is the type on the train supposed to be backwards? It might be...kind of gives it an eerie look. I like your imagination author...

(5 years and 2910 days ago)

spooky rails
avatar bjaockx
bjaockx says:

CMYK said both things i noticed... use the pen tool to cut out your objects like the train. i realize you mirrored the train to match the curve of the wave, so the front plate could have been selected and mirrored back to be readable, or blacked out entirely to not have the distraction. great first attempt, keep practicing!

(5 years and 2911 days ago)

spooky rails
avatar bjaockx
bjaockx says:

also where is the source for the goose you used to make the wings? you very obviously cut them out form that image in your sbs, but there is no source link for it. definitely need the source link for it. but lots of practice is needed in your image still. like CMYK mentioned the wings, but also the shadow of the girl was the one form the original image, which looks poorly transferred over. it is usually best to make your own new shadow than use an existing one... good luck and have fun!

(5 years and 2911 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The wings aren't integrated with the figure. Blending is important.

(5 years and 2913 days ago)

no avatar
pshoudini says:

pretty model

(5 years and 2913 days ago)

no avatar
pshoudini says:

pretty model

(5 years and 2913 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The wave is showing through parts of the train, and the reversed type on the engine looks a bit funny, but it's an interesting image. GL author.

(5 years and 2915 days ago)

spooky rails
no avatar
jakex16 says:

this is a very nice photo i really love the colors

(5 years and 2915 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

This is a beautiful image...author! Yeah...I would subdue that brightness in the water considerably. Kind of what CMYK and Nator have said...that is the only thing I would change. It's great!

(5 years and 2917 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

nice image

(5 years and 2917 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

The color is good. The highlights in the sky don't match those in the water.

(5 years and 2918 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

very colorful!

(5 years and 2923 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

there you go it looks a lot cleaner now a great improvement i would move the text a small lil bit to the right so theres a lil more distance between the edge and the first letter of the sentence

(5 years and 2928 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

use the stroke (white) on the text so it's readable .. it will help with the reading and voting.. good luck

(5 years and 2928 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Black type on black is unreadable.

(5 years and 2928 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

keep working on the cutting out of the girl, enlarge the image a few times so its at 200 or 300 % and then use a small eraser to erase the parts near her face and hand, use a small soft smudge brush on her hair at about 68 % strength and smudge it in the direction the hair is flowing, side ways and down wards, so the edge becomes smoother.. i hope that helps

(5 years and 2928 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

Please, please work on the cutout of the girl and add some shading below her. i believe you will do your entry and your score a big favor its for sure worth it.

I don't know why if its my connection or something else but your source links don't seem to be working for me, it keeps hanging here: http://www.pxleyes.com/scripts/sourceout/sourceout.php?id=226774

(5 years and 2929 days ago)

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Author, don't get discouraged, you did a fine job of clipping the image to her dress, and even making some areas translucent! We all started at the beginning, just keep practicing and watch tutorials, I find the videos are very good to learn from, you can pause them and practice.

(5 years and 2930 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Very cute, but she blends into the background.

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

good luck

(5 years and 3574 days ago)

have a nice day
avatar Giulia
Giulia says:

sorry, I kinda find this of poor taste...

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

have a nice day
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Dirty! argh...

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

have a nice day