
source Image as reference Ps only
For: wolf spider contest
source Image as reference Ps only
For: wolf spider contest
only source Image has been used please watch the highres and sbs for details
For: fairytale carriage contest
source only
For: lego people contest
tryed something different. Not sure if it works. Suggestions are welcome.
For: fairytale carriage contest
only source Image has been used. It´s unknown if there is a Treasure or a beautiful Princess in the well protected Tower but it must be worth it. Until now every Knight failed to reach it the normal way. Now a Adventurer tries a different one. He has build a enoumous ladder to reach the Mountain....
For: motoguzzi contest
source only
For: motoguzzi contest
source only
For: metal bird contest
source only Note: there is a nonsimetrical version in the SBS step2 check it out :-)
For: kavia bowl contest
It´s traditionally the final step for Seguji to ride the Magalohr befor he grows from a boy to a man. Actually Magalohrs are realy calm animals, comparable to our cows. Only in the mating season they turn wild. Part of the courtship is to run and jump around like crazy. A perfect time for a te...
For: kavia bowl contest
source only Edit: some details are only visible in the high res
For: reflections contest
Please view the highres and the SBS for all the details Source only no preferences
For: ripped metal contest
old blade new sword source only
For: old knife contest
source only
For: old knife contest
"oh look, one egg got a crack, ... well happy birthday little one" source only
source only
For: air crane contest
At the beginning of the 21th century it was pretty clear to the mankind that the polcaps will melt very soon. Because of the incapacity of the politicans worldwide the situaion doesnt changed. In fact it gets even worth. Finaly a huge softdrink ConCern decided to drag as much profit out of t...
For: air crane contest
Thanks to coloniera2 for the preference image
used liquify to close the eyes of the dreaming cat. Background made with PS (patternoverlay) Thanks to -bertvthul for the beach image -penywise for the pier image -Nbauer for the sharkimage
For: cat face contest
Source only
For: scare crow contest
cut out the cat, used liquify bloat tool to size the eyes, made some reflections with a white normal brush, adjusted the colors a bit, placed the cat in the sock, croped the image. Thanks to marekwo
For: cat face contest
well, real cloning does´nt always produces the best results. Thanks to andrewp001