54 comments given:
avatar SaEllisson

LOL i know this was done a loooong time ago, but I came across it while searching through SBS'. You sure picked the right names for the jobs! Oh man this made my night lol

(5 years and 2978 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

This made me LOL. Nice

(5 years and 2978 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Aside from the lack of detail(s) on the hull, this is great! Well done

(5 years and 2982 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Kind of looks like a scene from a comic book. Love it!

(5 years and 2993 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Oh lord that cat creeps me out! Good chop

(5 years and 2998 days ago)

Ball Four
avatar SaEllisson

High marks for grossing me out! LOL Forget having spaghetti for the next week!

(5 years and 3005 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

haha, i love how the guy is all refined and stuff, as hes playing his violin illegally. Very funny entry!

(5 years and 3007 days ago)

Drop the violin & hands up!
avatar SaEllisson

Oh wow that grinder is awesome! Very nice !

(5 years and 3007 days ago)

Grind Yer Own
avatar SaEllisson

I love how you did the beans. It almost looks like I could reach in and pluck one up.

(5 years and 3008 days ago)

cup of coffee
avatar SaEllisson

This is adorable, definaltley a favorite!
The eyes are perfect, they come across as cute and cartoonish IMO. After all it doesn't look like your intentions were to be super realistic, so good job!
The lighting looks like its in a living room or lit by small lamps rather then a large overhead light. This is realistic and look warm, inviting and very good.
The fragile sign is awesome, looks like its about to fall off at any time. Very much aww factor in this entry!

(5 years and 3009 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Ah, don't worry author! I just think it is , the viewer wants you to make it how THEY would have made it, without realizing that YOU are the artist here. Maybe they should make their own version so they can be happy? :P

Anyways, this is very interesting, and high marks from me for such imagination!

(5 years and 3028 days ago)

Fish Island
avatar SaEllisson

Love the humor in this! Very creative!

(5 years and 3033 days ago)

The Undoing of Percival Platt
avatar SaEllisson

This makes me feel like the horse it out to get me or something
Lovely done, the colour is what makes it feel scary I think.

(5 years and 3040 days ago)

Beautiful Whiteness
avatar SaEllisson

I must have one of these! Nicely done, its very real.

(5 years and 3040 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Why does this remind me of southpark? At any rate its great!

(5 years and 3040 days ago)

I Want To Live.
avatar SaEllisson

Adorable, I want one! I love how you made the eyes glow. Good job

(5 years and 3050 days ago)

Alicia the country cheshire
avatar SaEllisson

Very dark and creepy , great pic!

(5 years and 3051 days ago)

American Mcgee
avatar SaEllisson

Heh, poor guy. Very amusing entry!

(5 years and 3051 days ago)

avatar SaEllisson

Hah! Awesome.

(5 years and 3060 days ago)

No more problems....
avatar SaEllisson

Its very dark and beautiful. Wonderfully done!

(5 years and 3084 days ago)

Who Makes Wars!?
avatar SaEllisson

Oh I LOVE the Pern novels! Great depiction of thread.

(5 years and 3084 days ago)

...coming of Threadfall