L'il DJ
He's ready to drop some beats, or what ever the cool kids say now a days. I made a little broken record, shown in SBS, but decided not to use it. Made with 3dsM9, Wings3d, PS. All textures created using the sources, or digitally drawn by me.
He's ready to drop some beats, or what ever the cool kids say now a days. I made a little broken record, shown in SBS, but decided not to use it. Made with 3dsM9, Wings3d, PS. All textures created using the sources, or digitally drawn by me.
These alien planets , I would not want to be on. They orbit their star at about 65,000 miles an hour. When they finally get too close for comfort, I want to be in another galaxy far, far away!
You never know what you'll find when you climb into strange hatches out in space. Created with Wings3d, 3ds, UVM, PS. Textured created by me using the sources, in PS. Other textures like metal and glass are created using 3ds library.
Created with wings, 3ds & PS. Some textures created by me using the sources/drawn myself. Check the SBS for maps & details on how they were used. Other textures are from the 3ds library. Please see the high quality, as much detail is lost in the preview.
A standard Royal Crown. Created with wings3d, 3ds & PS. Textures from the 3 sources/created by me.
For: king crown contest
This king has defied death by magical means. He refuses to give up his crown! Made with wings3d, 3ds, PS. Textures from sources, 3ds, or hand drawn. Other items were made that didn't make it to the final. (See SBS) I did this because they took focus away from the crown.
For: king crown contest
They never give enough condiments to go around! Created using wings 3d, 3DS, mapped with UVMapper, Textures with PS - using the sources, 3ds materials or drawn myself. Font is Windows supplied : Arial and Gabriola
For: coffee contest
Help yourself to a cup. Used both Wings 3d and 3ds(mostly for rendering and particle systems). All textures created using the sources , whatever came with 3ds library, or drawn myself.
For: coffee contest
Fresh ground coffee - steamy and delicious!
For: coffee contest
He's the top gun ace of the card board wars!
For: card board contest
Seems no matter what medium the baby is fashioned from, they all cry just the same! I included the steps for the room in the SBS even though they didn't make it to the final render
For: card board contest
It isn't from this world, but it sure likes the tulip garden!
For: butterfly contest
Very new to this kind of thing, so all helpful comments appreciated.
For: butterfly contest