a place to sleep...

for some it might be nothing, but for someone it's everything...
For: indoor light contest
for some it might be nothing, but for someone it's everything...
For: indoor light contest
thats my office @ work...
For: powerline poles 2 contest
For: science 2 contest
For: symmetrical world contest
For: symmetrical world contest
For: symmetrical world contest
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhobi_Ghat i made this picture with my iphone and its still one of my favourits... nobody can imagine how poor the people in mumbai are and this girl has to work with her whole family in that open laundry... day by day... for about 50cent/day... thats "stone w...
Heineken worlds fav beer
The celebration of winning the austrian soccer championship - RED BULL SALZBURG
For: celebrations contest
f/22 - 6 sec. ISO 2500
For: long exposure night contest
Vienna, Austria @ 22:30 ISO 400 F8.0 15sec.
For: long exposure night contest