175 comments given:
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

This one looks great. Without knowing, you wouldn't think it's one single object just from all around it. Definitely my favorite.

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

Lilliput Lane
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Definitely deserved the first place. Congratulation on your win!

(5 years and 3294 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

No matter how many times I've looked at this photograph it always takes away my heart. The monochrome really transfers the mood to the viewers. Nicely done!

(5 years and 3298 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I love the angle. The amount of detail on the walls and floors is absolutely drawing the attention of your eyes.

(5 years and 3299 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Looking at this photograph is simply amazing. It took me long to realize it's a reflecting wall on the left side. The natural light looks wonderful!

(5 years and 3299 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

adeincyprus, thank you. It's always a pleasure to learn something new. The day we die is the day we stop learning, I'd hope.

(5 years and 3401 days ago)

Leaky Ol Pen
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Such an simply idea yet so powerful in both the meaning and the result. I really like this picture!

(5 years and 3401 days ago)

Money down the drain!
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

*giggles* No need to apologize for something like that. Main thing is it's finally here. I would probably done something similar myself if the temperatures outside would be enough to freeze water but they aren't quite yet. My guess would be they'll go down the moment the voting starts. Considering has been snowing all day today it might be pretty accurate guess.

(5 years and 3402 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I don't think adult supervision helps with the smell. *giggles*

The idea is great. Just don't give me that pen after you're done with it. I think I prefer uncooked ones.

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

Delicate Fire
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

It took long enough! I've been waiting to see this kind of picture. And simply said, I love it!

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I'm not a big friend of onions but even I do have to admit: These onions look pretty tasty.

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

fried onions
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I've always love how these kind of pens look like. It seems like the part(I don't know what it's called) is already art itself. When I was young I wanted to write with these kind of pens simply because I like the way they looked.

The black background was a good choice. It helps by hiding the pen a little, but not too much and makes the picture appear little more mysterious than it would have been with any other background I can think of.

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

Leaky Ol Pen
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

This might be just my opinion but if your girlfriend were to take the picture it wouldn't be your picture but hers. If she would act like a remote control by which I mean that she would push the shutter(and do absolutely nothing else, not even hold the camera) when you ask her to do so it would be still your picture.

As for the actual pictures. I love the color of your eye. The blue is darker than it usually is which makes it much more interesting to look at. I do have to agree with Ray, the ceiling lights are little distracting in this picture.

(5 years and 3403 days ago)

Blue Eye
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Like already mentioned, it's pretty clear who is in the picture. Even I know it!

The eye color is simply fascinating.

(5 years and 3409 days ago)

behind blue eyes
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Like friiskiwi said, itä's lovely but it's not just black and white.

(5 years and 3409 days ago)

New York, New York
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I don't deny it doesn't look better with the chair being "invisible". It's just that the contest is about a chair and a person being in the picture. So if you take the chair out, even though technically speaking it's still there but not visible, it doesn't quite fit the theme anymore.

And yes, I like the look of it even with the chair in there.

(5 years and 3414 days ago)

just legs.
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I have to agree with friiskiwi. I cannot see a chair either.

(5 years and 3414 days ago)

just legs.
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

There shouldn't be an option to delete so all you can do is to change the pictures to something else instead.

(5 years and 3431 days ago)

Now It
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I have to agree with adeincyprus. I don't see a reason to turn this or edit. The angle is chosen by the photographer, so it's not the wrong way around(like you can easily tell with some images).

(5 years and 3437 days ago)

Last Dance
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Indeed, it is. This one is definitely my favorite out of all the entries so far.

Some of the picture look like the authors didn't even read what you're supposed to take a picture of. *giggles*

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Checkered Darkness
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I did say, "close enough", didn't I?

(5 years and 3545 days ago)

Checkered Darkness
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I really love the look of those squares. Make me think about a nice stone chess board. *giggles*

lock: It's not quite a square(1,337px × 1,315px). Close enough, in my opinion.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Checkered Darkness
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

It's true, the computer does do math. However, there are two issues with it. First, the focus isn't on the computer. Secondly, you can only see the screen, which consist of pixels, and doesn't do any math.

The screen only receives the command what pixel does what, which cannot be seen as math at all.

(5 years and 3547 days ago)

Bean Counter
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

There are some paper, but you can't tell what they are as you can't actually read them. They could be anything. The computer screen is also unreadable. The hands are on the keyboard, not very mathematical.

I think there's a calculator or something hidden behind the letters. The paper roll looks similar to the old styled calculators. However you cannot see it clearly, so it's only a guess.

The picture needs more to show that the man is accountant. Something that tells supports it. Right now, you have to look hard to find anything to support this.

(5 years and 3549 days ago)

Bean Counter
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I'd have several pounds of Euro, I don't think those would be any help to you, though. The pile has just gotten bigger and bigger throughout the years. Just from the coins collected inside the pockets, wallet etc. which made them overly heavy and annoying.

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Do I have enough?
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

There is, at least in means of coins. I've yet to meet a person who'd enjoy carrying several pounds worth of coins.

For some reason, I really like this image. The feeling it gives is really nice, nyaa.

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Do I have enough?
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Oh damn...I had something similar in my mind. Anyway the picture looks really nice. I love the feeling coming of the mist, nyaa.

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

Over the mound
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Isn't this just a circular fisheye lens? At least with one you should be able get an effect like this.

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

Warped And Decomissioned
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

OH yes...that they are. On the other hand it's awful a lot of fun to destroy them...until your parents find out what you just did. *giggles*

As for the picture...it definitely stands out from the others. Very nice thought!

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Damn you...now you made me want pink hair!

Besides for making me want to dye my hair...you look great! Those dark blue eyes are really nice...not to forget the blonde/pink hair. *jealous*

(5 years and 3569 days ago)

im just me
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

With my first thought: Cut and Clue. Anyway, the idea is great, nyaa.

(5 years and 3574 days ago)

Gotta Halve It
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I feel the same as friiskiwi. The sun is stealing the attention and it takes a while to actually see the plane.

(5 years and 3595 days ago)

Sunset flight
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Looks much better now. Now you can clearly see the shape of the cork screw and it sticks out really nice.

(5 years and 3596 days ago)

Curly cork screw
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

The black background doesn't really work for this picture. It's really hard to see the cork screw itself as its so hidden in the darkness. The cork itself sticks out way more than the corkscrew.

(5 years and 3596 days ago)

Curly cork screw
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Yep, the third one is very well hidden so that should go past most eyes so I thought one could ignore that one. *giggles*

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Black duck
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

The picture is really nice but I can see another black head next to the bigger one. Therefore he's not alone with his color.

Could you re-take this picture or maybe you have another one where only one of the black ones are visible as I really like this one. I'd also wish the black one would be little more on the foreground instead of so far back.

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Black duck
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

The sunlight at the left side really throws the pictures off. It's so bright compared to the rest of the image that it attracts the eye more than the actual object.

The object is very beautiful. I wish there would be something like that close by to where I live.

(5 years and 3600 days ago)

Kanheri Caves.
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Oo...interesting. My LCD screens have square shaped ones instead of round ones like your. Definitely a nice idea!

(5 years and 3600 days ago)

Monitor Screen
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I have to agree to what dinomario10 said. The picture looks empty, there is way too much empty space. Try adding more or get closer to fill in the empty space.

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

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Shikyo says:


(5 years and 3603 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

It's a bookworm!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

reading time
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Oh...there's an easy solution for that. The camera should have a timer, so use the timer instead of pushing the trigger yourself. So when you yourself push the shutter it won't take the shake from that as the actually trigger is going to be few seconds later, therefore you can avoid the shake from pushing the shutter.

Another option is to get a external remote/shutter for the camera, which also neglects the trouble coming from pushing the shutter yourself.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

The Last Guests
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Ah...I wasn't aware of it's "double" use. In that case, yes there's nothing wrong with it.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Cancer Sticks
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Topic wise, I really like the picture. Burned out matches look really nice. At first look the matches themselves stick out easily for the eye to see them. Though the picture is little dark, maybe too dark. The matches kinda melt to the darkness(though it's slightly better at high resolution) so it's hard to see any details on the matches. Also at high resolution it's clear that the image is soft. To avoid this use a tripod, a table or anything you can put your camera nicely so that it won't move all too much after you push the trigger.

Definitely a nice image for your first attempt, nyaa. Keep it up and you'll get some excellent pictures.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

The Last Guests
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I think the picture needs little more contrast between the objects and the background. As the objects are mostly white and the background is white it kinda melts in. Changing the background to something else would benefit this picture by letting the objects stick out more to the eye.

Other than that, I think this picture is really nice.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Cancer Sticks
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

I'd sincerely hope that button ain't on your CPU but on your case. *giggles*

As for the theme itself, I think this picture is great. The light makes a perfect circle and it's very easy to figure out what letter it's supposed to be without having to think about it twice. The only thing that you could mistake it for is a zero, which is rather similar to a "O" in the end.

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Before reading the title, it is hard to see what letter it's meant to be. After the title it becomes rather simple to see. Lovely picture. It's really too bad the letter itself isn't clearer.

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

Posing Like B
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

Myself, I like the way how the shadows make it alive. It's not totally flat but you can see the unevenness of the textile nicely.

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

Boston...Red Sox logo
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

For a "ghostly" look I think having the background sharp would work better than it being blurry as well. This way you would get the look you want without sacrificing the interest for the looking eye. To achieve this all you need is a tripod or a stable enough surface area, like a table, where you can put your camera. A longer shutter speed, which allows the background to be sharp but everything that moves in the picture will become blurry.

(5 years and 3616 days ago)

The Ghost Tour...
avatar Shikyo
Shikyo says:

The idea is great; however you cannot really find the focusing point in the picture as the whole image seems kinda soft. Improving the sharpness of the picture would definitely improve the image overall.

(5 years and 3616 days ago)