
Around the same time every day, Mowgli plays fetch in the fountain with her owner. She loves having photos taken, and she loves it even more when you throw the ball for her!
For: pet toys contest
Around the same time every day, Mowgli plays fetch in the fountain with her owner. She loves having photos taken, and she loves it even more when you throw the ball for her!
For: pet toys contest
For: relaxation contest
This little drop that falls is somehow what keeps me alive. Without wanting to feel sorry for myself, I am suffering from a disease that results in all the 15 days I have to go to hospital for perfusion of this drug called Myozyme. As small as it is, this tiny falling drop is perhaps not spectacula...
For: stop motion contest
Stitched by Hand
For: surface panoramas contest
This is probably the most interesting corridor where I work. One whole side is a streamline of windows, and at the right time of day the light blasts right through. It seems that a lot of corridors are oftn low lit and this can be hard to capture withour the help of a tripod. So all of this natural...
For: corridors contest
...i know the way!!! USB spermatozoon are heading to the main USB port to "exchange" data!!!! :)
For: usb contest
For: pxl letters contest
For: pxl letters contest
Just crop it. Hope it's better now. Thanks jaw!
For: face closeup contest
For: your eyes contest