
Paper cup squeezed by a hand.
For: stop motion contest
Paper cup squeezed by a hand.
For: stop motion contest
A mannequin dressed up like a scuba diver in the middle of the city.
For: not belong contest
Every single one of these tickets was a winning was so it's a collection of winning tickets.
For: tickets dof contest
As you can guess from the title:an empty Lotto ticket.
For: tickets dof contest
Reaper is chirping at the birds outside but it seems like it's directed towards the wooden flower.
For: cats 2 contest
A fast lucky shot before heading to work one day.
For: cats 2 contest
The result of me messing around with my external flash.
For: cats 2 contest
Where's everyone? God...everything is self service nowadays.
For: convenience stores contest
The symbol to be quiet.
For: face closeup contest
A friend of mine walking on a pier.
For: walking contest
Headphones in use.
For: headphones contest
Portrait in black and white.
For: max contrast contest
Macro of my eye.
For: your eyes contest
The title tells all.
For: your eyes contest
Me hiding behind a fan.
For: your eyes contest
A tree against a white sky.
For: max contrast contest
Used my own hair to censor my face out of the image. Picture taken by placing the lens on the trip as low to the ground as possible and pointing it directly up the get the lowest angle possible.
For: chair model contest
A pill on tongue.
For: medication contest
A pigeon positions itself nicely on the statue and made me laugh when I first saw it.
For: pigeons contest
A simple lock that keeps the chains together to lock the container.
For: locks contest
Macro of a fingerprint.
For: skin macros contest
A angel found on a grave.
For: angels contest
A picture of a friend of mines standing by a tree.
For: backlighting contest