Closed Eyes for Protection

Closed eyes in the shower.
For: closed eyes contest
Closed eyes in the shower.
For: closed eyes contest
Toothbrush being taken out from water.
For: tooth brush contest
A wet electric toothbrush.
For: tooth brush contest
A plant on a wall in an urban area.
For: autumn contest
Innocent flower ripped off and smashed on the sidewalk.
Pink flowers I found in the front yard.
All these coins are worth something but they're nothing compared to the plastic card.
For: math contest
The purple stone, the meeting place for everyone non-human.
For: mystic woods contest
For the line "I know I'm not lost". The map with the finger pointing at the right location.
A water fountain found on the streets of a City.
A macro shot of the circuit board of a ATI graphic card with aperture of F51.
For: math contest
A closeup of the highest point the water gets in black and white.
A macro shot of the gear of a bicycle.
For: bikes contest
A picture of a female photographer.
A white split stone among darker stones.
For: white contest
Someone left a bicycle and the snow has almost it fully covered.
For: bikes contest
An androgynous person sitting on the tree looking towards the see.
For: androgynous contest
A macro shot of a moomin figure with an top hat on the head.
For: hats contest
Self Portrait of me with my beloved hair.
A photograph of Final Fantasy X with Yuna and Tidus on the screen. I used a macro lens with the manual only mode and defocused the shot manually to create this look.
For: defocus contest
A macro of the human tongue.
For: textures contest