For One's Eyes Only

A list surrounded by darkness. P.S. The names are randomly chose.
A list surrounded by darkness. P.S. The names are randomly chose.
Six pills, packaged, of Aspirin. In the background there are empty pill packages.
For: six pack contest
A macro picture of reindeer moss(not 100% sure of the name).
Strangely on the left eye is covered by a shadow.
For: inanimation contest
A cat taking an endless looking nap.
For: snooze contest
A closeup of the "L" on headphones.
For: simon nathan contest
My beloved kitty has curled himself up on the scratching post for a nice nap. I hope I didn't disturb his sleep all too much with the flash.
For: snooze contest
The new bottle is in front(and in full focus) to show that it's the present. The old bottle is little more towards the back and slightly out of focus to show that it's fading away as it's the past.
A macro shot of a the letter "R".
For: simon nathan contest
A macro shot of the "A" in the pendulum of an old clock.
For: simon nathan contest
A sink that is being invaded by calcium(there's some calcium inside the water and if not cleaned regularly or in hard to reach places it keeps accumulating).
For: dirty things contest
Crossed knives resemble crossed swords, which is a symbol for war. Therefore it's bad luck to cross knives as well. I decided to go for a rather dark picture to create a better mood. I mean, bad luck is far from being all nice and happy, isn't it?
There are two means of communication in this picture. For one the phone book itself. The pen is the other one. Instead of commonly just underlining a certain number/place I decided to use the shadow of the pen to show the way.
For: communication means contest
This the ring my grandfather once gave to my grandmother and after his death my grandmother gave it to me. It's a silver ring with an amethyst stone.
For: gems contest
A door with key and safety lock(or whatever you the chain thing).
For: daily needs contest
A stuffed animal from the Ugly Doll series. He's name is Ox.
For: fibers contest
A stuffed animal in the shape of a turtle. There is also a stuffed sheep in the background, which is not in focus, however.
For: fibers contest
A small bonfire of matches inside a candle holder.
For: fire contest
Used the candle's own light to make it appear from the dark. To make the candle seem more like out of the dark I slight blew some air on the flame so that it moved.
For: out the dark contest
A guy next to a water.
For: looking up contest
My beloved headphones on my scanner.
I called her name with the intention of taking her picture. She was not aware of the picture until it was too late.
For: off guard contest
After I saw this shot on my computer screen I couldn't believe how cute Scythe's eye looks like.
For: cuteness contest
I was taking another kind of picture but through and accident I ended up being able to take this picture much better than what I had planned before.
For: collisions contest