775 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar animmax
animmax says:

I like the image and the effort - but I am wondering on the lightsource and the shadow? Would it be on the ground?

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar mariosilva

i saw your name after comment and vote i with your reputacion and talent i just have to say that u could do better, sorry

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar mariosilva

sorry i like the idea and the concept but i dt like so mutch the work, may be u could go farder, depends of your chop experience important is do and start so good luck and ni... work

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar elficho
elficho says:

nice concept. you did well on the left side, but the right legs need shading. darken the inner parts of the legs.

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar Tuckinator

very nice

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Congratulations on first place!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

very nice Spider.. the shadow work is awesome on the left side.. a suggestion, not that it is needed.. the right side light source is very bright (as it should be) but the legs on the right side could use a dash more shading I think.. DON'T DO IT IF YOU DON'T THINK IT NEEDS IT.. it's just in high res it's looking a tad flat, but with a mystical/fantasy piece like this.. it's all up to the authors choice GOOD LUCK

(love the teeth

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Nice work! Really awesome lighting as well, very dramatic! Good job, author!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Spider venice mask
avatar animmax
animmax says:

Good rework..

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

no avatar

Dont call him king of creepy looking child molesters, please respect the dead...anyway good mystical work

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

King of creepy looking child molesters is more like it...

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Author.. hand draw a picture of Michael.. it doesn't matter if you can't draw either.. if you put your heart into it, it will be recognizable.. a tribute is most powerful when drawn from the heart.. .think of John Lennon's self Portraits and you will create a more magical personal piece.. IMHO

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar animmax
animmax says:

Nice work - as much as I like it I would suggest checking with a mod to make sure its legal? Just because you have found the image on a stock site, does not always mean its useable.. It a photo from a book - I would think it copyright? Check to be sure. Maybe even find an impersonators image and rework? See what happens anyway..

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar OliviasArts

you cant use that photo of michael jackson sorry.

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar jamaki
jamaki says:

good mistycal work

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar zatrix
zatrix says:

I always did wonder why they call avo a fruit

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar LKY
LKY says:

well imagined....but a bit blurred image....anyways GL

(5 years and 3902 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar devangel
devangel says:

Congrats for 1st

(5 years and 3903 days ago)

avatar Ory
Ory says:

Try duplicating the racer layer, putting a gausian blur on the one on top and then adding a layer mask and using a black to white gradient you can blurr the racer from front to back. I think that will be a better effect.

(5 years and 3903 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3904 days ago)

avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

oooooooh assassin hopper.......looks scary......good job author.....

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

oooooooh assassin hopper.......looks scary......good job author.....

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

Pretty good xomposition..maybe you could remove some of the blur and bring the background more in focus.Otherwise

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:

Well done athor. U change a dump hopper to a strong heroe...VERY NICE...I like the flys

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar devangel
devangel says:

cool image. good job author. like the color.

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar seatsgraphixdesign


(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar dreamdriven

good effect. creature shape is not clear

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar orientallad


(5 years and 3904 days ago)

avatar orientallad

you did very well

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Time of feed
avatar gopankarichal


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar gopankarichal


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Mime news
avatar orientallad


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Mime news
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats! Great job!

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Mime news
avatar FairyGardens

congratulations, well deserved winning

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 1st

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Mime news
avatar madamemonty

Congrats, well done

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

It's a bit on the blurry side.. but I like the light play with the white fire/plasma.. good luck author

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Assassin hopper
avatar mariosilva

nice idea

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Really creative eheh helicar! Good result.

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar devangel
devangel says:

very nice.

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar devangel
devangel says:

nice. like the lightning.

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

And blurry, too...

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar Mike
Mike says:

for a better composition try to place the avocado a lil more behind the fruits in front of him, right now there's too much tension because only an small part of the fruits are overlapping

(5 years and 3906 days ago)
