Good morning!

Pardon the quality, photo was taken with a calculator... I meant, phone camera.
For: shoulders knees toes contest
Pardon the quality, photo was taken with a calculator... I meant, phone camera.
For: shoulders knees toes contest
Taken in Oxford, UK. love this photo
An old photo I still like, despite the quality :) (shot with a calculator as they would say these days)
For: black 2 contest
It really was yummy...
Planted for my birthday, it is the same age as me... I guess I still have some time to go :) No adjustments whatsoever done to this photo.
For: snow 2 contest
One of my fave water-drop photos. Nothing done to the baby - it is as is straight from the camera.
Nothing done to the photo apart from going crazy with a little levels adjustment in PS3.
Cropped, no other adjustments post- or in-camera. Only me, light and the camera. Apologies to all who had voted - I had to re-upload the entry as I'd forgotten to upload the full-resolution image from the first go. Sigh. Sorry everybody. And hope you like my photo - it took me hours, literall...
My friend with her baby, so cute :) photo as is from the camera, only converted into B&W as am loving it
For: parent child contest
Love the feeling of this photo. All colour etc adjustments in the camera.
Shot today..
For: autumn contest
...and after rain :)
For: grass contest
Love all kinds of moss - so soft and squishy! did exist, all was silver, even people!
For: inanimation contest
Yeah, took me almost a week to grow this baby (I know, I know, I'm a nurd :))) )
This was taken in Russia a couple of weeks ago, early afternoon. It was a freezing minus 34 C, I ran out in jeans and t-short, lied in the snow to take this - just in time before the cloud hid the sun. Do not repeat that if u're not used to snow! :)
For: january contest
I've been thinking whether to upload this, but since this technically is dill's flower and one of my fave photos, decided to go ahead and upload :) The blur is from the wind blowing, turned out to be quite romantic :) The rest is mocking with hue etc :)
For: flower heads contest
I think it's an onion "flower", but not very sure - but I did like it a lot. PLayed with curves and hue to get the effect..
For: flower heads contest
Had nothing better to do than taking photos of my eyes .. now that sure sounds sad :)) Well, shot with a point and shoot, so nothing fancy, but I like the shot.. i find it somewhat "sunny" :)
For: eye beauty contest
It was really high and REALLY windy, but I managed to get the shot :-)
For: windy flags contest
..and it was really high :-)
For: theme park contest